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    • Eli Landes
    • They Are the First 10 Days of the Jewish Year. The first 10 days of the month of Tishrei are known as the Aseret Yemi Teshuvah, the Ten Days of Repentance.
    • They Start With Rosh Hashanah and End With Yom Kippur. The 10 days are framed on either side with festivals—starting with Rosh Hashanah (when we crown G‑d as King) and ending with Yom Kippur (when we repair our relationship with G‑d and our fellow humans).
    • They Are Mentioned in the Talmud. “Seek the L-rd where He is found; call to Him when He is near,”1 we read in Isaiah. The Talmud2 explains that the verse refers to the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
    • The Prayer Service Is Modified During These Days. One of the unique aspects of the Aseret Yemei Teshuvah is that we add or modify several of our prayers during these days.
    • The Season of Repentance
    • Rosh Hashanah
    • The High Holy Days
    • Yom Kippur
    • Sukkot
    • Conclusion

    There is a 40 day period or season known as Teshuvah, which in Hebrew means “to return or repent,” beginning on the first day of Elul, which is generally in August, and continuing for 40 days leading to Yom Kippur. Thirty days into this season of repentance is Rosh HaShanah. For 40 days you blow the shofar (the ram’s horn) and recite this prayer: “...

    Rosh Ha Shanah, or the Feast of Trumpets, is an interesting feast day because it’s all about sounding the shofar. The Bible makes several references about sounding the shofar. There are ten reasons for blowing the shofar and they are read, one each day, between Rosh HaShananh and Yom Kippur: 1. When a king is coming, Psalm 98:6, “With trumpets and ...

    The High Holy Days is a time when believers in Messiah are called to examine their lives. It is a solemn time. Paul tells us that we should examine ourselves before partaking in Communion with God. But how true that is for us every day since we should be coming into His presence daily and communing with Him. The High Holy Days are 10 days long and ...

    Yom Kippur concludes the Season of Teshuvah. Yom Kippur is called by many different names, the most popular is The Day of Atonement. It has other names like Face to Face, The Fast, The Great Shofar, and Jubilee. Well you may say that Yeshua is our atonement. Yes, He is, thank God! 1. Yom Kippur is a picture of our atonement; at least, it was in the...

    The time of Teshuvah has passed. We see clearly that the feasts paint a picture for us to see; observing them teaches us that repentance, the feast of Rosh HaShanah, has to come before we can have redemption, the feast of Yom Kippur. Sukkot is also known as the Season of Our Joy, Feast of Tabernacles or Booths, and The Feast of the Ingathering. 1. ...

    So we have seen that the fall feasts point to Yeshua’s second coming. Yeshua writes in Luke 12:49-50, “I have come to send fire on the earth, and how I wish that it already was burning! I have to be baptized in a certain baptism, and how distressed I am until it is completed!” What is this fire and why does Yeshua wish it was already kindled? Well,...

  2. The period from Rosh Hashanahto Yom Kippuris known as the Ten Days of Repentance. This name appears in sources from the Land of Israel, including the Jerusalem Talmud. The concept of these days as a special unit of time in the Jewish year dates at least to the third century BCE.

  3. The month of Elul is the month set apart for repentance, or teshuvah, in spiritual preparation for the High Holidays (i.e., Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur). The "Season of Teshuvah" runs forty days from the first of Elul to Yom Kippur. Each day the shofar is sounded we appeal to the LORD for the gift of genuine repentance in our lives.

    • What is the season of repentance?1
    • What is the season of repentance?2
    • What is the season of repentance?3
    • What is the season of repentance?4
    • Define the sin. The first step to meaningful confession is understanding what sin is. David uses three different words for it in Psalm 51: “iniquity,” “sin,” and “transgressions” (vv.
    • Appeal to God’s mercy. The psalm begins: “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love” (v. 1). Here, David appeals for forgiveness based on what he knows about God’s character: that he is merciful.
    • Avoid defensiveness and see God rightly. David’s sin hurt multiple people. He committed adultery, orchestrated a murder, and tried to cover it all up.
    • Look to Jesus. David writes, “Cleanse me with hyssop, and I shall be clean” (v. 7). He knows hyssop signifies purification with blood (see Ex. 24), and he knows that blood alone can make him clean.
  4. Oct 1, 2022 · To repent is to turn away from sin with disgust, sorrow, and a resolve not to repeat the offense. In this definition, we begin to see why repentance is necessary: we must repent because of our sin. The Bible says “sin is lawlessness” ( 1 John 3:4 ).

  5. This important date is the first day of a 40 day spiritual preparation called the Season of Repentance. The Season of Repentance culminates on the Day of Atonement, a fast day traditionally regarded as the Day of Judgment.

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