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    • Habiba Katsha
    • Engage in personal development. Self-esteem genuinely affects how much we buy and how much we waste, says Jones. “It’s well known now that our self-confidence has been systematically attacked for profit.
    • Buy used or use what you have. The most sustainable option is usually the one where you don’t buy anything new. And the new sustainable option is often no more useful than something you have at home, says Jones.
    • Look out for greenwashing. Greenwashing is when a company makes vague sustainability claims but their practices don’t necessarily add up. “Many out there are more concerned with the optics of sustainability and the markets they open up than using business to make real change,” says Jones.
    • Look for enterprises that give-back. Jones recommends looking for brands and enterprises that give back – which is no surprise, as his own organisation does just that.
    • Overview
    • Changing Your Personal Habits
    • Creating a Green Home
    • Being Green at Work
    • Staying Green on the Move

    Going green is a great way to reduce your environmental footprint and help the planet. Being green is all about reducing how many resources you use, reusing items when you can, and recycling items that can’t be reused. If you’re ready to go green, start by changing your personal habits and giving your home a green makeover. Additionally, change you...

    Carry a reusable water bottle so you will not need bottled water.

    While bottled water is convenient, it is also really bad for the environment. Not only does it create trash, but it also uses more resources because it’s shipped to the store. To be more eco-friendly, make it a habit to carry a reusable water bottle with you everywhere so that you can drink water on the go.

    Plastic bottles are usually the lightest and most convenient. Look for one that says it’s BPA free.

    You can also find aluminum and glass water bottles that are a great option if you don’t like using plastic.

    Use reusable bags while you’re shopping.

    Shopping bags make it easy to carry your items home, but they also pollute the planet. Skip the store’s shopping bags and bring your own instead. Use a backpack or tote that you already own, or purchase a couple of reusable bags from the checkout area at your local grocery store.

    Conserve electricity by turning off lights and unplugging electronics.

    Electricity is typically generated by burning fossil fuels or using other natural resources. To help protect the planet, cut down on how much electricity you’re using. Here are some tricks to keep your electricity use low:

    Turn off lights when you leave a room.

    Take advantage of natural lighting from windows during the daytime.

    Unplug electronics when you aren’t using them.

    Wash your clothes on the cold setting so you don’t use energy to heat the water.

    Limit your use of paper.

    Communicate digitally whenever possible, and only print out items when you absolutely must. Talk to your coworkers and employer to change the way your office handles meetings and team projects so that you don’t need to print out as much stuff.

    When you do use paper, recycle it or save it to reuse the other side of it.

    Choose office products that are made from recycled materials.

    When you need to buy items for your office, check that they’re made from recycled materials. This includes items like paper, folders, pencils, pens, desk supplies, and furniture. Buying recycled items can help save the Earth’s resources.

    Try to use second-hand products or to share whenever possible. For example, don’t buy a new stapler if there’s a used one in the supply closet.

    Walk or bike places if you live close enough.

    Cars use up a lot of gas, so they’re not a friend to the environment. Walking or biking instead of using a car is a great way to save natural resources while saving you money. When possible, walk or bike to work, school, or shops.

    If it’s unsafe for you to travel on foot or bike, don’t put your safety at risk.

    Use public transportation to travel long distances.

    Public transportation is a great way to travel because it moves multiple people at once. Take the bus when you can to conserve gas. To make it more fun, read, watch a movie on your phone, or make a small craft while you ride.

    It might take some time to learn your city’s public transportation system. Try riding it on your off days first.

    • 131.3K
    • Why is Going Green Important? Sometimes it’s disheartening to look at the state of our planet. And it’s hard to know if our individual changes are making a difference.
    • 15 Ways to Make a Difference for the Environment. Going green means different things to different people. While some can completely embrace the zero-waste movement, it might feel unattainable or stressful to others.
    • Reduce What You Consume Overall. Of the 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) this one is the most important. You might think you’re not contributing to ocean trash because you’d never litter at the beach, but have you looked at what’s floating around out there?
    • Stop Buying Bottled Water. Unless there’s some kind of contamination crisis, avoiding plastic water bottles is the simplest way to reduce waste. Bottled water has been found to contain contaminants and when analyzed, many brands are no better than tap water.
  2. Aug 9, 2021 · From food to fashion, green bloggers give their top tips to be more eco-friendly.

    • Recycle. You know you should, so just do it.
    • Switch it off. Leaving a room? Switch the light off. Turning the TV off at night? Switch it off at the wall so it isn’t left on standby.
    • Buy Energy Efficient Appliances. Once an appliance has irreparably broken this is a good time to look into replacing it with a far more energy efficient one.
    • Hang your washing out to dry. Using a clothes line or hanging your clothes indoors on an airer is much better for the environment, and your wallet, than using a tumble dryer.
  3. Jul 21, 2023 · Going green extends beyond recycling or eating only plants. It involves the foundational aspects of our world, from education, government, technologies, businesses, and social interaction. The government has to create functional environmental laws and policies that encourage innovations for sustainability.

  4. May 24, 2023 · Get inspired by these practical ways to reduce your carbon footprint, ranging from a change in day-to-day routine, to more involved actions that will make the UK’s goal towards Net Zero closer.

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