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  1. Vietnamese is often considered to be monosyllabic as its morphemes are considered to be monosyllabic e.g. " tim" meaning "heart". However, some Vietnamese words may consist of one or more syllables, composed of monosyllabic morphemes that form together to create another word.

  2. Oct 2, 2012 · The main change would be to group syllables into words. As the advocates of this change point out, most words in Vietnamese are disyllabic (the same is true of Mandarin). The proponents of the reform believe that, among others, it would reap the following benefits:

  3. Inflectional languages pack several bits of information into a single ending. Agglutinative languages build up endings from a series of atomic pieces. Polysynthetic languages join multiples parts of speech into a single word, typically incorporating nouns into their very complex verbs. – hippietrail.

  4. Agglutinative languages combine one or more morphemes into one word. The distinguishing feature of these languages is that each morpheme is individually identifiable as a meaningful unit even after combining into a word. Examples of agglutinative languages include Tamil, Secwepemc, Turkish, Japanese, Finnish, Basque and Hungarian.

  5. hieu do. This study is to help Vietnamese students pronounce English precisely and English learners of Vietnamese pronounce Vietnamese correctly. To do this, I focus on the comparison between English and Vietnamese phonology.

  6. Moreover, Vietnamese has borrowed vocabulary from other languages, including Chinese, French and English. Simple words Most simple words in Vietnamese are monosyllabic.The number of polysyllabic simple words such as bù nhìn (scarecrow), ễnh ương (frog), mồ hôi (sweat), mà cả (bargain) is relatively small.

  7. Vietnamese and Chinese are typical analytical languages. Here is the way Vietnamese expresses the Accordant function, expressed by a case ending in some languages and by the preposition by in English. In (1a), we see the verb for 'follow' used as a regular verb (lexeme).

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