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  1. Work when you want. I work no more than 15-hours per week and. earn over £120,000 per year. * I’m actually lazy compared to others who run very similar businesses - if you want to, you can invest more hours to create more wealth - the choice is yours.

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    “We live in an age of poverty, greed, violence, destruction. Indeed, the very seat of the federal government, Washington D.C., has been reduced to what is now known as the "Capital Wasteland." The Capital Wasteland... How did it come to this, America?”— John Henry Eden

    The Capital Wasteland is a loosely defined geographic region, spanning areas of Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia surrounding the Potomac River from (roughly) Harpers Ferry to the Potomac tidal basin. The term was coined at the turn of the 21st century and by the 23rd entered common parlance.


    The city of Washington and the surrounding environs were the heart of the pre-War United States and, as a result, a prime strategic target for the People's Republic of China. As the Sino-American War drew to a conclusion, the city was increasingly fortified against a nuclear attack. Buildings were reinforced with armored layers to deflect the blast wave and preserve their structural integrity and safeguard the legacy of the American nation,[Non-game 1] while infrastructure was upgraded and modified to become fully automated and capable of working even after centuries of no maintenance. The last monument to be erected within the city is the Anchorage War Memorial, situated on FDR Island in the Potomac River it was constructed after the conclusion of the Battle of Anchorage.[Non-game 2] By March 2077, in the light of the recent advances by the American military against the Chinese, key military, civilian, and corporate leaders abandoned Washington and the United States, expecting a retaliatory nuclear strike.[Non-game 3] The situation came to pass in October, when the American offensive pushed deep towards Beijing. National Guard units and their auxiliaries were mobilized and deployed throughout the nation. The most highly trained units were dedicated to Washington, D.C., to assist and evacuate the civilian population. Most servicemen were not briefed on the imminent threat. When nuclear weapons began to land on American soil, the West Coast was struck first. Its disappearance from the grid acted as an early warning, allowing civilians to get to shelter, and the armed forces to mobilize. In the end, it did not make much of a difference, as the future Capital Wasteland was saturated with nuclear weapons, coming in multiple waves. The densely urbanized center of Washington was spared most of the direct impact. The intense thermal radiation from the bombardment set much of downtown Washington on fire. The conflagration lasted for weeks, perhaps even months. The National Mall was one of the few areas mostly spared from the fire. Some survivors used the Museums surrounding it for shelter. Others lost their mind after witnessing so much devastation, causing an already chaotic situation to degenerate further. Outside the city the situation was hardly better. What remained of the military joined remnants of the auxiliary units and civilian authorities, trying to establish a semblance of order and begin cleanup operations. However, the situation rapidly deteriorated. The absence of top level leadership resulted in a power vacuum and inability to coordinate relief efforts. While what remained of the authorities did its best to contain the situation and reclaim the devastated landscape (removing irradiated soil and dumping it in makeshift hazmat areas, cordoning off irradiated areas like the Metro. and setting up a network of military checkpoints on roads to control the flow of refugees), their efforts were too little to turn the tide. The desertion rate was high, increased by the high mortality rate among refugees exposed to radiation, and the ever decreasing ability of the remaining authorities to properly care for them. Many of the servicemen and their auxiliaries also suffered from radiation poisoning. In the face of a total collapse of society and the relief effort, the remaining authorities collapsed, leaving the wasteland in a state of chaos. A peculiar monument to this collapsed state was created when a dry docked aircraft carrier at the Washington Naval Yard attempted to exit the yard, but wound up beaching itself.[Non-game 4]


    Survivors of the war took shelter in every sewer, Metro, and purpose-built shelter they could throughout the region. Those that emerged would settle where they could. Those that could not settle themselves, either because of lack of knowledge or materiel, would soon perish or become the region's raiders. One of the first settlements of the region was established a generation after the war.[Non-game 5] Wastelanders seeking entrance to Vault 101 took shelter in what amounted to a large hole and eventually founded Megaton, which became the first regional trade hub within a generation. A stable source of water thanks to the water purifier, a central location, and a population ready to take up arms in its defense at a moment's notice. Many who could help the region recover, particularly various anti-government groups who retreated into remote rural locations and formed private militias promising to one day take back the government for the people, were absent. Most were killed by the nuclear blasts or perished in the chaos that followed, with only a handful surviving the worst of the first decades after the Great War. Those who did were incapable of effecting change on a larger scale.[Non-game 5] As a result, small communities flared up only to be extinguished by the uncaring wasteland in one way or another. In 2103, a number of survivors would emigrate to Appalachia from the Capital Wasteland, joined by a group coming from the Pitt and parts of Pennsylvania, taking a train from union station out of the region, going on to form the settlement of Foundation. Some such settlers describe the Capital Wasteland as "hell on Earth." Others would come not from settler backgrounds, but as raider gangs and slavers, such as Sargento's gang.

    23rd century

    Around 2237, remnants of the Naval Research Institute under the leadership of Horace Pinkerton established the Rivet Station Science Outpost within the derelict aircraft carrier at the terminus of the Anacostia River. For years to come they would use the intact science bay as the nucleus of their science efforts. By April 2239, a burgeoning civilian settlement sprung up around the station on the carrier. As a result, on April 25, Rivet City was formally established by Horace Pinkerton, Annette Holmes and Brad Danvers to better protect and organize this growing community. Governance of the City was delegated to a three person Council, staffed by one representative of each "caste" on board the ship: Scientists, civilians, and security personnel. Rivet City would eventually grow to become one of the largest and most prosperous settlements in the desolate Capital Wasteland. Another major change occurred when Paladin Owyn Lyons and his detachment arrived in the Capital Wasteland in 2255, establishing a base of operations within Pentagon in the first few months. Though the Pentagon was largely destroyed, its sub-levels remained, for the most part, intact and its surviving stockpiles contained undisturbed pre-War technology and weaponry to sustain their operations. The crown jewel though was Liberty Prime. The discovery of Liberty Prime earned Paladin Lyons a battlefield promotion to Elder, and a new directive from his superiors in Southern California – to establish a new, permanent Brotherhood base in the Capital Wasteland, and continue the search for any other advanced technology hidden in the former capital city's ruins. Shortly after their arrival, Lyons' scouts have identified a new threat in the area: a peculiar breed of super mutants, infesting the nearly deserted ruins of downtown D.C. Concerned by their presence and convinced that they are the primary threat to the Wasteland, Lyons initiated a protracted campaign of aggression to eradicate them that would last over two decades, claiming men and materiel for no appreciable return on the investment. Around the same time, they lent assistance to James and Catherine, a pair of scientists attempting to build a mass-scale purifier, intending to supply the wasteland with a virtually inexhaustible source of fresh, purified water, reducing their dependence on local purification methods. Ultimately, Project Purity failed to take off, despite the Brotherhood's involvement. Frustrated, Lyons withdrew his forces, leaving the Project to fend for itself. Project Purity died shortly after, together with Catherine, James' wife. Still, between Rivet City's stable supply of food and the Brotherhood's aggressive pursuit of mutants, the Capital Wasteland caught a breather, allowing human settlement to increase. This included the development of existing settlements, like Megaton, the survivalist forerunners to the Republic of Dave,[Non-game 5] as well as founding of new settlements. The most notable is Canterbury Commons, founded in 2258 by Ernest Roe and his sister, Daisy Roe, which became the nucleus of a fledgling trading network between isolated human settlements..[Non-game 6] Another notable settlement attempts were Arefu,[Non-game 7] on a partially collapsed overpass, and Grayditch, founded by drifters from as far as New California. However, the proliferation of humans also brought with it an increase in violence. Slavers of Paradise Falls could count on an increased number of transients and travelers to enslave and deliver to their clients. The emboldened flesh traders would start attacking weaker settlements to gather stock in bulk. At least two fell prey to them: Rockopolis and what became known as Minefield. Other settlements were consumed by the wasteland, like the wasteland gypsy village founded in an area lacking in potable water, food, or defenses, or Girdershade, whose homesteaders died at the hands of wasteland horrors. Despite the challenges of the wasteland, the Capital Wastes slowly developed. New trails were created on a regular basis, as roads, rails, and highways were steadily taken apart for salvage or ruined by wear and tear. Ironically enough, much of this expansion would be the result of raider activities. By 2277, raiders would control large parts of the wasteland, though divided into petty, quarreling warbands. The largest raider settlement would emerge at Evergreen Mills, becoming a partner for Paradise Falls' slaving operation. Smaller groups of raiders would lay claim to a variety of locations, primarily as staging bases for attacks on wastelanders and their communities. Many raiders would also revert to cannibalism due to constant food shortages, literally preying on their fellow man.

    The region known as the Capital Wasteland has been severely warped by the apocalypse. Although it was a lush temperate region before the war, the climate shift caused by the unprecedented scale of nuclear warfare unleashed on the world has led to desertification. Once made fertile by the Potomac, the Capital Wasteland turned increasingly desolate as the river dried up over the years. By 2277, the once-mighty river is little more than a swamp, with wastelanders able to cross it with dry feet in most places above roughly the neighborhood of Foggy Bottom. The drying up of the watershed has impacted the ecosystem and agricultural prospects in the region, with most plants unable to thrive in these conditions and the population of animals falling down accordingly.

    The situation changes in the more urbanized areas of the region. Washington, D.C. weathered the nuclear storm but sustained severe wounds in the process. Much of the downtown area of the city has been reduced to rubble, its buildings but shells containing hundreds of tons of rubble. Certain neighborhoods evaded complete destruction and remain in better shape, although that's not saying much. Curiously, the automated infrastructure has survived intact, with automated power stations continuing to provide power, allowing capable survivalists to benefit from the technology of the ancients.

    In general, the economy of the Capital Wasteland for much of its existence was predominantly focused on subsistence and scavenging. The depopulation through nuclear fire has ensured that vast amounts of wealth remain untapped within the ruins, for those brave enough to enter them and scavenge. Slavery was a particularly lucrative business, though with a limited clientele. However, certain locales, such as The Pitt and Paradise Falls, have a high demand for slaves.[Non-game 9] Hunters could also expect to make a good living in the wasteland, as the changed ecosystem still produced prey that can make for a fine source of meat – even if that prey moved on two legs. The only settlement with a major agricultural output was Rivet City, the primary supplier of edible, non-irradiated food in the Capital Wasteland, trading foodstuffs grown in its hydroponic bays for essential raw materials with other communities.

    Despite the harsh realities of the wasteland, a caravan route was set up by Canterbury Commons' "Uncle" Ernest Roe, providing one of the few reliable links between existing settlements. It was maintained by four merchants with modest protection and provided much needed economic exchange between the isolated settlements in the wasteland. Another trade route led as far as Point Lookout, operated by Tobar, who exchanged punga fruit and other goods produced in the region for salvage and other necessities produced by the Capital Wasteland.

    Two weeks after the activation of Project Purity, water merchant caravans could be found, transporting Aqua Pura to denizens all across the wastes, though some took advantage of the opportunity by selecting certain clientele and selling them snake oil.

    By 2287, with the activation of Project Purity and the Brotherhood's rapid recovery, the situation stabilized greatly. The Capital Wasteland became a major exporter of water and salvaged technology, enabled by the Brotherhood's firepower and Vertibirds.

    The Capital Wasteland is the setting of Fallout 3, and is expanded upon in its add-ons. A map of the Capital Wasteland appears in HELIOS One in Fallout: New Vegas. It is visited in Fallout Shelter Online after its main campaign is complete. It is also mentioned in Fallout 4, its add-on Far Harbor, Fallout 76, and its update Wastelanders.

    Developer quotes

    On the setting of the D.C. area: “The setting has always been important. It's one of the first things we do when we talk about this. 'What is the setting, where is it gonna be?' And for us, y'know, we're a studio on the East Coast. We're a studio right outside of Washington, D.C. And at that time, there were no games - this is 2008, Fallout 3 came out, so this is around 2005, 2006, we're having these conversations - there was no major video game at that time that had been set in Washington, D.C. So it was ripe for us to use. And we knew that Fallout had these strong Americana vibes, there was really strong stuff with the Enclave and the American government. And so we saw the real opportunity to use D.C. We know it, we love it. Whereas we're not as familiar with the West, and that's been done a million times. Because whenever you think of a post-apocalyptic wasteland, you think of Mad Max, or the classic Fallouts and a wide open wasteland. And so we wanted to try a different take.”— Emil Pagliarulo, (9:09) On the size of the map: “Fast forward nearly two years. We’re in alpha, and for the first time, we’re meeting Fallout 3. Up until this point, the game has been a collection of assets, tasks, code and lots of teamwork. The game is beginning to feel complete as everything comes together. We realized, however, that wandering the wasteland didn’t feel right. Something was off about that experience. What we realized was that the world felt pushed together. We simply had too much stuff, too close together. This is because we were using the same POI density that had served us well for Oblivion. There’s no secret playbook at Bethesda that tells us what to do. We simply learn from what we’ve done before. POI density wasn’t something we really had a name for back then. The trouble was that Oblivion and Fallout 3 are very different games. The sightlines in Fallout 3 are much larger, and you don’t have the major visual blockers of Oblivion’s forests and hilly terrain. Aside from all that, it’s a game where you’re supposed to occasionally feel lonely, and we weren’t achieving the tone we wanted. So we made a decision. We could have pared back, but we decided to add a significant amount of new area to the North and West ends of the map. Remember that we were in alpha, and a lot of this work was supposed to be done. If you’re a producer, you should be squirming in your seat right now. This took our entire environment art and level design teams offline for the better part of two months. It was a painful decision, but we felt it was the best option to make the game what we wanted it to be.”— Joel Burgess' blog


    68.Pentagon concept art: "Armor clad corners in case of attack

    -Used as sign marquee-Bottom half civic hardware (traffic lights, street lights, etc.)-Top used for communication, surveillance, air raid sirens/spotlights.-Used especially to protect historic monuments..."

    (Pentagon concept 5 and Pentagon concept 4)

    69.Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.43: "Chinese Army (Simulated)

    U.S. Army (Simulated)

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  3. NEW UPDATE - FEBRUARY 2022. Fallout 4: The Capital Wasteland - You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head Gameplay Trailer. Watch on. "Official Webpage for the Unofficial Fallout 3 Recreation Project!"

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