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  1. Jan 24, 2019 · So based on what pages people like, what they click on, and other signals, we create categories—for example, people who like pages about gardening and live in Spain—and then charge advertisers to show ads to that category.

  2. Jan 3, 2023 · A meta-platform is a platform built on top of two or more platforms, hence connecting their respective ecosystems. One promising case to benefit from meta-platforms is data...

  3. Jan 6, 2022 · At first glance, the communicated change signals a radically new business model (BM) based on an unprecedented configuration of the three following components: value creation, value...

  4. Dec 6, 2021 · An analysis of the the business strategy of Meta, as well as its specific organizational, technological, and marketing strategies.

    • Abstract
    • A Comparative Analysis of Ratti’s Business Model with Extant Alternative Visualisations
    • Differences between Ratti’s business model and that of the traditional driving school
    • Ratti in relation to Scholten’s two-sided platform modified business model canvas
    • Concluding Observations
    • About the Authors

    The ambition of this paper is to increase the understanding of digital platform businesses and busi-ness model innovation in the context two-sided markets. A proposal for an instructive new business model canvas is developed by combining abductive reasoning with insights from a case study. The case was a unique driving school platform under the emp...

    This section presents a number of observations re-garding the business model in use by Ratti. First, differences between Ratti’s business model and the traditional driving school model are presented. Second, the Ratti business model ́s fit with Os-terwalder and Pigneur’s BMC is examined. Finally, Ratti is analysed using Scholten’s platform business...

    There are some significant differences (table 1) be-tween the business models of traditional driving schools and that of Ratti. The identified differences are based on a content analysis of text descriptions about Ratti business model. Ratti has outsourced the critical resources of tra-ditional driving schools serving private individuals, namely dr...

    Within his modified canvas visualisation, Scholten emphasizes match-making between customers and producers. That is why he places core inter-action in the centre of the canvas (see figure 2 above). Scholten also emphasizes the importance of filters, rules, and tools and services. Thus we sought to examine how Scholten ́s modified canvas would help ...

    This paper sought to increase the understanding of digital platform businesses and business model in-novation in two-sided markets. The findings of the research undertaken revealed that two-sided plat-form businesses require a further reconstructed business model canvas; thus, we proposed a novel platform business model canvas that supports the inn...

    Dr. Kyllikki Taipale-Erävala works as a Post-Doctoral Researcher and a Project Manager in the MicroENTRE research team at the Kerttu Saalasti Institute, University of Oulu, Finland. Her research expertise is competencies enabling business survival in micros and SMEs in changing business environments. She is also interested in developing micro enter...

  5. Apr 20, 2022 · Metaverse worlds—m-worlds—are gathering hundreds of millions of active users thanks to the powerful computing capacity and mass-market availability of mobile phones, tablets, and PCs, as well as improvements in cloud services and connectivity (such as fiber and 5G).

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  7. The Accelerating Digital Transformation Marketplaces Guidebook aggregates the views of business leaders – chief digital officers, chief operating officers and chief development officers – on the forefront of digital transformation across four key dimensions: Value levers of a marketplace model.

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