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  1. Aug 20, 2021 · Genetic disorders occur when a mutation affects your genes or chromosomes. Some disorders cause symptoms at birth, while others develop over time. Genetic testing can help you learn more about the likelihood of experiencing a genetic disorder.

  2. Nov 30, 2023 · Read about genetic disease definition, examples and list. Learn from a list of genetic diseases that are caused by abnormalities in an individual's genome. There are four main types of genetic inheritance, single, multifactorial, chromosome abnormalities, and mitochondrial inheritance.

  3. There are 4 types of genetic diseases. 1. Single-gene inheritance, 2. Multifactorial inheritance disorder, 3. Damage to the chromosomes; and 4. Mitochondrial genetic inheritance disorders. Examples of genetic diseases or disorders include Huntingtons disease, PCOS, and Down and Turner syndrome.

  4. A genetic condition is a condition or disease that is passed from one or both parents to their children. Unlike communicable diseases close such as the common cold, genetic conditions cannot...

  5. May 5, 2020 · Hereditary diseases are passed from one or both parents to a child, who may also pass it to his or her children. Learn the difference between hereditary and genetic disorders, a list of the most common hereditary diseases, and who's most at risk for inherited diseases.

  6. Nov 7, 2022 · Genetic disorders are diseases caused by an abnormal gene, often described as a mutation. When such diseases are inherited (rather than the result of a random mutation), it means they are passed along to a child from one or both parents, often according to certain patterns of inheritance.

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  8. May 18, 2018 · Some diseases are caused by mutations that are inherited from the parents and are present in an individual at birth, like sickle cell disease. Other diseases are caused by acquired mutations in a gene or group of genes that occur during a person's life.

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