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  1. Musik pop adalah sebuah genre musik populer yang berasal dari bentuk modernnya di Amerika Serikat dan Inggris pada pertengahan 1950-an. [4] Istilah "musik populer" dan "musik pop" sering digunakan secara bergantian, meskipun yang pertama menggambarkan semua musik yang populer dan mencakup banyak gaya yang beragam.

  2. Pop Indonesia, Pop Indo atau I-pop (singkatan dari Indonesian pop) secara luas didefinisikan sebagai aliran musik pop yang ada di Indonesia, tetapi dalam arti yang lebih luas juga dapat mencakup budaya pop Indonesia yang juga termasuk film Indonesia dan sinetron.

  3. › wiki › Indo_popIndo pop - Wikipedia

    • History
    • Connection with Indonesian Films and Television Series
    • International Popularity
    • See Also

    1960s - 1970s

    Koes Plus, formerly called Koes Bersaudara, is considered one of the pioneers of Indonesian pop and rock 'n roll music in the 1960s and 1970s.[citation needed] The American and British music influences were obvious in the music of Koes Plus; the Beatleswere known to be the main influences of this band. Indonesian pop music in the 1970s also gave rise to musicians and singers such as Chrisye, Titiek Puspa, and Ebiet G. Ade. Their work in the country's music industry was very large and influenc...

    1970s - 1980s: Pop melankolis and pop kreatif

    During the late 1970s and through the 1980s, two subgenres of Indonesian pop dominated the local industry: pop melankolis and pop kreatif. Pop melankolis, also known as lagu cengeng (literally "weepy song"), is characterized by slow tempo, sentimental themes often touching domestic settings and influences from 1950s American traditional pop, incorporating elementary chord progressions. Prominent composers in this subgenre included Rinto Harahap. Pance Pondaag and Obbie Messakh. Popular pop me...

    1980s - 1990s: Pop groups

    In the late 80s, boy and girlbands are began to emerge. The first boyband to debut in Indonesia was Trio Libels, which composed of Ronnie Sianturi, Yanni and Edwin Manansang, debuted in the late 1980s, followed by the first wave or generation of boybands, girlbands and co-ed groups, and several notable groups that emerged from this wave are Cool Colors, Coboy, M.E., T-Five, Warna, Rida Sita Dewi, AB Three, and Bening.

    Indonesian films and television series have a strong relationship with Indonesian music. Most Indonesian films feature soundtracks consisting primarily of Indonesian music, generally Indonesian pop and some rock. Dwiki Dharmawan, Krakatau personnel, known for his some of musical works related to soundtracks in Indonesian films and television series...

    The high popularity of Indonesian pop music is now limited to Malay-speaking countries. The wider coverage is only ASEAN countriessuch as the Philippines, Vietnam and Cambodia. Indonesian singers such as Agnez Mohave been gaining popularity in neighbouring Asian countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and the Philippines...

  4. These include Pop sunda, Pop Minang, Pop Batak, Pop Melayu, Pop Ambon, Pop Minahasa and others. Other than featuring the legacy of Lagu Daerah (regional traditional songs) of each regional cultures, the musician might also create some new compositions in their own native language.

  5. Meskipun musik populer kadang-kadang dikenal sebagai "musik pop", dua istilah yang tidak dapat dipertukarkan. Musik populer adalah istilah umum untuk musik dari segala usia yang menarik bagi selera populer, sedangkan musik pop biasanya mengacu pada genre musik yang lebih spesifik.

  6. Jul 23, 2022 · Sejarah Musik Pop di Indonesia: Diawali Koes Plus. Bisa dibilang, grup band Koes Bersaudara merupakan cikal bakal tenarnya musik pop di Indonesia. Grup musik ini lahir pada 1969, di tengah merebaknya demam musik ngak ngik ngok di Indonesia, istilah yang dipakai Soekarno untuk musik barat.

  7. Nov 15, 2022 · Lirik-lirik dari lagu yang diiringi musik pop menampilkan bahasa sehari-hari yang mudah dicerna telinga. Musik pop menekankan pada kenikmatan bagi pendengarnya. Varian dari musik pop antara lain adalah jazz, blues, dan rap. Bagaimana sejarah musik pop sehingga bisa berkembang di Indonesia?

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