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  2. Aug 16, 2004 · The impure thought only becomes sin when it is willed. As taught by the ninth Commandment, an impure thought is grave matter. Desiring that impure thought, willingly and knowingly, offends against love of neighbor and love of God.

  3. No, Unless you are opening yourself up to occasions or settings that are conducive to having impure thoughts. For example: If we see something inadvertently on T.V. or in public, we can't be culpable for an unplanned event.

  4. Answer: The basic norm for confessing grave sins is that we should be sorry for all of our grave sins without exception. For this reason the Church asks us to confess grave or mortal sins “by number and kind.” This just means “what and how many times” you did what you did.

  5. IMPURE THOUGHTS. Sexually arousing thoughts that a person may not deliberately entertain because they lead to the sinful desire to commit adultery, fornication, masturbation, or...

  6. Feb 15, 2024 · Impure thoughts, often referred to as impure desires or lustful inclinations, encompass a broad spectrum of mental activities that deviate from the virtuous and chaste standards upheld by Catholic doctrine.

  7. Impure thoughts are lusts for anything outside God's blessing of marriage. Learn how to fight against them with 20 Bible verses that can be used as a sword against sin and temptation.

  8. When we take some pleasure in impure thoughts and desires, but lack the proper deliberation or knowledge of the evil. It often happens that one is overwhelmed by an impure temptation, the wickedness of which he does not perceive at once, because his thoughts are not collected.

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