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  1. Iceland University of the Arts provides higher education in the fine arts, theatre, theatre making, dance, music, design, architecture and art education. Four department faculties offer degree programmes at bachelor’s level, and four departments offer master programmes.

  2. Iceland University of the Arts (Icelandic: Listaháskóli Íslands [ˈlɪstaˌhauːˌskouːlɪ ˈistlan(t)s]) is an Icelandic institution of higher art education, located in Reykjavík, which offers the only university-level degrees in the arts in Iceland.

  3. Allir viðburðir. Skóli allra listgreina. Listaháskólinn er skóli allra listgreina. Hann er einstakur á alþjóðavísu að því leyti að námsframboð er afar fjölbreytt en nemendur eru hlutfallslega fáir í samhengi við námsframboð.

  4. Study at the Iceland University of the Arts in Iceland: 17 Bachelors, Masters, PhDs. Your gateway to universities in Europe.

  5. The Iceland University of the Arts is a self-governing institution providing higher education in fine arts, theatre, dance , music, design, architecture and art education.

  6. Aug 12, 2021 · The Iceland University of the Arts (Listaháskóli Íslands, or LHÍ), will be uniting all of its departments in a single, specially-designed facility in the Tollhúsið building in downtown Reykjavík, Iceland’s cabinet announced in a press conference this week.

  7. Iceland University of the Arts (Icelandic: Listaháskóli Íslands [ˈlɪstaˌhauːˌskouːlɪ ˈistlan(t)s]) is an Icelandic institution of higher art education, located in Reykjavík, which offers the only university-level degrees in the arts in Iceland.

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