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  1. Bar-Hadad III (Aram.) (ܒܪ ܚܕܕ) or Ben-Hadad III (Heb.) (בֶּן-הֲדַד) was king of Aram Damascus, the son and successor of Hazael. His succession is mentioned in 2 Kings (13:3, 13:24).

  2. “The stele which Bar-Had- -ad, son of [...] king of Aram, erected to his Lord Melqar- -t, to whom he made a vow and who heard his voi- -ce.” According to William Foxwell Albright, the stele should be attributed to Ben-Hadad I, an Aramean king mentioned in the First Book of Kings. [3]

  3. Sep 1, 2023 · The Melqart Stele, also known as the Ben-Hadad or Bir-Hadad Stele, provides a fascinating glimpse into the political, religious, and cultural landscape of ancient Syria in the 9th century BCE. This Aramaic stele was discovered in 1939 in Roman ruins in Bureij, Syria, 7 km north of Aleppo.

  4. Sep 3, 2024 · Several kings of Damascus bore the name Bar-hadad (in their native Aramaic, which is translated as Ben-hadad in the Hebrew Bible), which suggests adoption as “son” by the patron deity Hadad. This designation might indicate that he was the crown prince and/or co-regent with his father Hadadezer.

  5. Jun 4, 2024 · The Tel Dan Inscription was written c. 796 BC by Hazael’s son, Bar Hadad, in response to the victories of Jehoash, King of Israel. It preserves mention of Jerusalem as the “House of David,” which is best explained as an appellation arising from an actual historical David.

  6. “The stele which Bar-Had--ad, son of […] king of Aram, erected to his Lord Melqar– –t, to whom he made a vow and who heard his voi--ce.” According to William Foxwell Albright, the stele should be attributed to Ben-Hadad I, an Aramean king mentioned in the First Book of Kings.

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  8. Aug 29, 2012 · Notes Bar-Hadad I was king of Aram 885-865 BCE. He was the son of Tab-Rimmon and grandson of Hezion. He was a contemporary of Kings Elah (885 BCE), Zimri (885 BCE), Omri (885-874 BCE), and Ahab (873-853 BCE) of Israel, and Kings Asa (911-871 BCE) and Jehoshaphat (871-848 BCE) of Judah.

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