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  1. Ed Cheng is the Hess Professor of Law at Vanderbilt Law School. His scholarship focuses on evidence, expert evidence, the interaction between law and statistics, and more recently, damages. He is co-author of the five-volume treatise Modern Scientific Evidence (with Faigman, Mnookin, Murphy, Sanders, and Slobogin).

  2. Edward K. Cheng is a law professor at Vanderbilt Law School who specializes in scientific and expert evidence. He also hosts a podcast on evidence law and proof called Excited Utterance.

  3. Ed Cheng is a professor of law and statistics at Vanderbilt University. He specializes in evidence, law and statistics, and remedies, and has published in top law journals and hosted a podcast on evidence and proof.

  4. Edward K. Cheng is the Hess Chair in Law at Vanderbilt Law School. His scholarship focuses on scientific and expert evidence, and the interaction of law and statistics. He teaches evidence, torts, and a seminar on scientific evidence.

  5. Edward K. Cheng * Founded on good intentions but unrealistic expectations, the dominant Daubert framework for handling expert and scientific evidence should be scrapped. Daubert asks judges and jurors to make substantively expert determinations, a task they are epistemically incompetent to perform as laypersons.

  6. Edward K. Cheng Treatise Modern Scientific Evidence (5 vols.) (2006-17 eds.) (currently with David Faigman, Jennifer Mnookin, Erin Murphy, Joseph Sanders, and Christopher Slobogin)

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  8. May 20, 2010 · Edward K. Cheng is a professor of law and a researcher on scientific and expert evidence, and the interaction between law and statistics. He holds a Ph.D. in statistics from Columbia University and teaches evidence, torts, and statistical inference at Vanderbilt.

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