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  1. Tiger · 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2033

    • Today's chinese horoscope for Tiger

      Today could be a high-energy day for you. Most people will have a smile or compliment for you. Positive energy flows from you, so put it to good use. Temper your innate impulsiveness, though.

    • This month's Chinese horoscope for Tiger

      The month of July brings Tiger natives the I Ching hexagram of earth over thunder (24). Tiger, sometimes you need to pause and reflect before you pounce. This month, it’s good to consider how things are going and assess how far you’ve come. You might think all the way back to your childhood, returning to your roots to see the changes you’...
