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    • Excessive self-criticism. The inner dialogue can be relentless and, for deeply insecure people, even more so. They often replay conversations or situations in their minds, focusing on missteps, lapses of judgment, or errors.
    • Social withdrawal. Social withdrawal isn’t just about enjoying solitude. It’s a defense mechanism against potential social pitfalls. Solitude means safety and becomes preferable to the uncertainties of social interaction.
    • Constant comparison to others. Another incredibly harmful behavior of deeply insecure people is that they compare themselves to others too much. They look at social media and see that everyone else beside them is doing great in life.
    • A constant need for reassurance and validation. A need for external affirmation can stem from a shaky internal foundation. Without that external validation, insecure people struggle to recognize their own worth.
  1. Jun 19, 2024 · 10) Behaving like a victim and blaming others. When someone is confident they are the Captain of their ship. They take charge and steer themselves in the direction they want to go. Insecure people on the other hand don’t feel like the master of their own destiny. So they remain the victim.

  2. Jun 25, 2024 · 2. Challenge Negative Thoughts. Negative thoughts are often at the core of insecurity. They can be automatic and deeply ingrained, making them difficult to recognize and challenge. However, by becoming aware of these thoughts and questioning their validity, you can begin to change your inner dialogue.

  3. Jun 13, 2024 · Putting others’ needs before their own is a habit many insecure people fall into. They might think that by being indispensable to others, they’ll finally feel valued. However, this neglect of their own needs can lead to resentment and a loss of self-identity, exacerbating feelings of insecurity. Photo Credit: Luis Molinero/Shutterstock.

  4. Jun 13, 2024 · Someone secure in themselves is not only okay with their individuality and standing out; they are good with being different. Those who have to hold onto another person in their life and mirror what they do, are insecure enough not to express themselves all on their own. Being insecure can make you dependent on others and cling to them as a shield.

  5. Jun 19, 2024 · 7) Fear of confrontation. Insecure individuals often fear confrontation. They might go to great lengths to avoid upsetting others or creating conflict. They may even suppress their own feelings or needs in order to keep the peace. This isn’t because they’re inherently non-confrontational or passive.

  6. Jun 19, 2024 · 7) “It’s all my fault”. When a secure, confident person faces a troubling issue, they’re able to look objectively and see who is to blame and who isn’t. But an insecure person will likely blame themselves, every time. Even if they aren’t at fault for the argument, missed deadline, or whatever else the issue is.

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