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  1. The definition of an asylum seeker, or someone seeking asylum, is a person who has left their country, often suddenly, because they are faced with persecution, war or violence and cannot get protection there. Once an asylum seeker has bene officially granted asylum, they are then legally recognised as a refugee. 3.

  2. Asylum is when a government accepts that your home country is unable or unwilling to ensure your protection and allows you to remain in their country in order to stay safe. Once someone is determined as needing protection, they become known as a refugee.

  3. Jun 9, 2022 · Asylum is a form of protection available to anyone at risk of serious harm in their home country who must leave in search of safety in another country. The first step for a person seeking asylum is to leave one's home, one of the most difficult decisions a person will ever make.

  4. A person who has left their country of origin and formally applied for asylum in another country but whose application has not yet been concluded. Wherever possible, we prefer to describe someone as a person seeking asylum as we feel that the term “asylum seeker” is dehumanising.

  5. Apr 26, 2023 · What is asylum? ‘Asylum’ is a type of protection, established as a legal concept by the UN Refugee Convention in 1951, partly in response to the refugee crisis created by the Holocaust and the Second World War, which saw millions of people displaced throughout Europe and the world.

  6. Immigration means moving from one country to live in another country. People who work in immigration in the UK work with people who have moved to this country. Asylum Seeker. A person who has left their country to go somewhere safer and has applied to be given refugee status in another country. Refugee.

  7. Jun 28, 2022 · This instruction sets out the policy and procedures to be followed in considering applications for support provided under section 4(2) of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.

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