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  1. Jun 25, 2024 · The resason your app resets is that you update your selectInput s every time you draw the plot. Which happens every time you change one of the selectInput s. It's a vicious circle. Since you don't specify a value in your updateSelectInput s, the first element of choices is selected. Hence the reset.

  2. Jul 4, 2024 · The actual reactive expression inside each list is not evaluated because the observeEvent only looks after the first reactiveElement. I have made some sort of example with my issue. I have tried looking at shiny::reactiveValues (). My thought was somehow to use that instead of a list, but I am unsure about how to update it in the module_1 function.

  3. Jun 21, 2024 · reactiveVal(): Defines single value; reactiveValues(): Defines a list of values; Regular function fn <- function(): Runs wherever it is is used Reactive function fn <- reactive(): Runs only when input changes. Reactive context. Reactive values cannot be accessed outside a reactive context

  4. Jun 26, 2024 · The tests pass when I run devtools::test() but fail when I run devtools::check() with the error message "Error ('test-examplemodule.R:2:3'): exampleModuleServer works Error in eval(code, test_env): object 'exampleModuleServer' not found" My code and an explanation of what I tried are below.

  5. Jun 24, 2024 · Reactive values from within your Shiny application can be exported using the method: shiny::exportTestValues() . This underutilized method exposes internal values of your app without needing to create a corresponding input value or output value. For example: library(shiny) shiny_app <- shinyApp(. fluidPage(.

  6. Jun 28, 2024 · shiny::reactive() function returning a named list of variable:value pairs which will be used to set the filters. drop_ids: Drop columns containing more than 90% of unique values, or than 50 distinct values. Use FALSE to disable or use list(p = 0.9, n = 50) to customize threshold values. widget_char

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  8. Jun 20, 2024 · Value The module will return a reactive 2 element list to your main application. First element user_auth is a boolean indicating whether there has been a successful login or not.

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