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  1. overflow incontinence: [ in-kon´tĭ-nens ] 1. inability to control excretory functions. 2. immoderation or excess. adj., adj incon´tinent. bowel incontinence 1. fecal incontinence . 2. a nursing diagnosis accepted by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as a state in which an individual has a change in normal bowel habits, ...

  2. Oct 23, 2020 · Incontinence is much more commonly seen in women than in men. A large part of this is because of pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. Each of these events in a woman’s life can lead to bladder control issues. Pregnancy can be a short-term cause of incontinence and the bladder control issues typically get better after the baby is born. Some ...

  3. Apr 19, 2021 · A percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is a procedure to place a feeding tube. These feeding tubes are often called PEG tubes or G tubes. The tube allows you to receive nutrition directly through your stomach. This type of feeding is also known as enteral feeding or enteral nutrition. Advertisement.

  4. overflow: [-flō] Etymology: AS, ofer + flowan the flooding or excessive discharge of a fluid, such as urine, saliva, or bile.

  5. Jul 18, 2022 · The overflow tube is located below the toilet’s refill tube. Water is siphoned from the tank when the refill tube pushes down on the overflow tube, causing the fill valve to remain on or off. When the refill tube is busy introducing a continuous flow of water, the tank will be flooded. Thus the bathroom got secured with water against the tank.

  6. Meaning Origin language and etymology Example(s) salping(o)-of or pertaining to tubes, e.g. fallopian tubes: Greek σᾰ́λπῐγξ, σαλπιγγ-, (sálpinx, salping-), trumpet salpingectomy, salpingopharyngeus muscle: sangui-, sanguine-of or pertaining to blood Latin sanguis, blood sanguine: sapro-relating to putrefaction or decay

  7. Feb 9, 2023 · Urinary incontinence may also be caused by an easily treatable medical condition, such as: Urinary tract infection. Infections can irritate your bladder, causing you to have strong urges to urinate and, sometimes, incontinence. Constipation. The rectum is located near the bladder and shares many of the same nerves.

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