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  1. There is no real way to make your Playbook faster other than removing unneeded files and apps etc and performing a wipe and reload. I do this once in a while and there is a notable performance increase.

  2. I have confirmed this works on the Z10, Classic, and Passport and have every reason to believe it will work across all devices. The fix also does more than simply get you out of setup (permanently)--it also restores the ability to sideload so you can use native BB10 apps!!!!

  3. Aug 24, 2015 · I love the blackberry PlayBook and im bored solid with ipad, how can I get my PlayBook to run quicker? Will there be any future updates.? I ADORE my passport, best phone ever, just wish I could get the PlayBook to load quicker, any tips? Posted via CB10

  4. Feb 14, 2023 · Now I’ll describe 3 methods of installing software on your PlayBook. The files you’ll need are located in “Soft for installing .bar files” folder. Method 1. This method doesn’t require you to install any apps. Download PB-Installer folder on your computer and follow the instructions in “HOW TO INSTALL APPS” file.

  5. Apr 9, 2012 · hey everyone, i'm in the middle of transferring 10gb worth of videos onto my playbook and it's going at a rate of ~1.5mb/s so i was just wondering what your average speeds were for wired file transfers? is there any way of transferring files faster?

  6. Jul 4, 2012 · You can also charge the Playbook by using the Blackberry Rapid Charger that connects to the 3 pin charging port that is to the right of the USB port on the Playbook. However if you want to connect the Playbook to a computer you need to fix the USB connector on the Playbook in any case.

  7. Apr 26, 2024 · Are slow downloading speeds making it impossible to download files, games, and videos? Whether you're downloading torrents through a web browser like Chrome, there are easy things you can do right now to increase your download speeds so you can get those files faster.

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