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  1. Ödön von Horváth (1919) Edmund (Ödön) Josef von Horváth (* 9 da december 1901 a Sušak, Austria-Ungaria; † 1. da zercladur 1938 a Paris) è stà in scriptur da naziunalitad ungaraisa ch’ha scrit ovras en tudestg, sia lingua materna.

  2. Aug 21, 2023 · The Horvaìth Handbook provides an initial or more in-depth introduction to the life and work of Ödön von Horváth. It begins by exploring biographical and text-critical constellations before providing precise descriptions of the various work groups. It places a special focus on the specific features of Horváth’s poetics. The volume closes by examining Horváth’s reception and providing ...

  3. Ödön von Horváth. Biografický portál. Ödön (vlastným menom Edmund Josef) von Horváth (* 9. december 1901, Sušak, Chorvátsko – † 1. jún 1938, Paríž, Francúzsko) bol rakúsky dramatik a prozaik.

  4. Apr 12, 2019 · The cast of “Youth Without God” at the Maxim Gorki Theater in Berlin. The play by Odon von Horvath has been put on many times in Germany recently, and will be the centerpiece of the drama ...

  5. › horvath-editionUni Graz

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  6. Edmund (en húngaro "Ödön") Josef von Horváth foi o primeiro fillo do diplomático austrohúngaro Dr. Ödön Josef von Horváth e de Maria Lulu Hermine, nada Prehnal. O pai era orixinario da rexión de Eslavonia, hoxe pertencente a Croacia e era membro da pequena nobreza da zona (o indicativo nobiliario faise en húngaro engadindo unha ‚H ...

  7. Feb 5, 2024 · Ödön (Edmund Josef) von Horváth (December 9, 1901 – June 1, 1938) was one of the most important German-language playwrights and authors of the twentieth century. This article on an author is a stub .