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  1. Aug 31, 2015 · God allowed Hagar to conceive and have a son for Abraham because: He had a bigger plan for Abraham and the world today. He wanted to teach Abraham that God's plans are not as per human logic. He wanted to demonstrate that His Supernatural power does not rely on the natural (Sarah was old, advanced in years, but God caused her to conceive)

  2. Mar 14, 2024 · Answer. Sarah was the wife of Abraham. Hagar was the servant of Sarah. God had promised Abraham many descendants, but, ten years after the promise, Sarah was still unable to have children, and they were both on the verge of becoming too old to have children at all.

    • The Child of Promise
    • Accomplishments of Sarah in The Bible
    • Strengths
    • Weaknesses
    • Life Lessons
    • Family Tree
    • References to Sarah in The Bible
    • Key Verses

    Three heavenly beings, disguised as travelers, appeared to Abraham. God repeated his promise to Abraham that his wife would bear a son. Even though Sarah was very old, she did conceive and deliver a son. They named him Isaac. Isaac would father Esau and Jacob. Jacob would father 12 sons who would become heads of the 12 tribes of Israel. From the tr...

    Sarah's loyalty to Abraham resulted in her sharing in his blessings. She became the mother of the nation of Israel. Although she struggled in her faith, God saw fit to include Sarah as the first woman named in the Hebrews 11 "Faith Hall of Fame." Sarah is the only woman renamed by God in the Bible. Sarah means "princess."

    Sarah's obedience to her husband Abraham is a model for Christian woman. Even when Abraham passed her off as his sister, which landed her in Pharaoh's harem, she did not object. Sarah was protective of Isaac and loved him deeply. The Bible says Sarah was exceedingly beautiful in appearance (Genesis 12:11, 14).

    At times, Sarah doubted God. She had trouble believing God would fulfill his promises, so she plunged ahead with her own solution.

    Waiting for God to act in our lives may be the hardest task we ever face. It's also true that we can become dissatisfiedwhen God's solution does not match our expectations. Sarah's life teaches us that when we feel doubtful or afraid, we should remember what God said to Abraham, "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" (Genesis 18:14, NIV) Sarah waited...

    Father - Terah
    Husband - Abraham
    Son - Isaac
    Half Brothers - Nahor, Haran

    Genesis 21:1Now the LORD was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did for Sarah what he had promised. (NIV) Genesis 21:7And she added, "Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? Yet I have borne him a son in his old age." (NIV) Hebrews 11:11And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear c...

    • Jack Zavada
  3. Hagar the Servant Girl. 16 Sarai was Abram’s wife, but she did not have any children. She had an Egyptian slave named Hagar. 2 Sarai told Abram, “The Lord has not allowed me to have children, so sleep with my slave. Maybe she can have a son, and I will accept him as my own.” Abram did what Sarai said.

  4. Passage. Resources. Hebrew/Greek. Your Content. Genesis 18:11-14. New International Version. 11 Abraham and Sarah were already very old, and Sarah was past the age of childbearing. 12 So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, “After I am worn out and my lord is old, will I now have this pleasure?”

  5. Sep 22, 2023 · Why Did Abraham Have a Son with Hagar? Eleven years roughly had passed since God had told Abram that God would make him a great nation. Sarai gets the mistaken notion that maybe God meant that Abram could have intercourse with her servant Hagar and have a baby that way. Abram goes along with it, and she has a son with Hagar, whom they name Ishmael.

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  7. In addition, his wife Sarai's name was changed to Sarah, for she would be a mother of nations. Three visitors came to Abraham and said that he would have a son. Sarah believed she was too old to have a child and laughed. Yet she did conceive (Genesis 21:1-7) and had a baby named Isaac. After the death of his mother, Sarah, Isaac married Rebekah.

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