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  2. Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by Steve Ditko, the character first appeared in Strange Tales #110 (cover-dated July 1963). Doctor Strange serves as the Sorcerer Supreme, the primary protector of Earth against magical and mystical threats.

  3. Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange is a superhero portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) media franchise —based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, commonly referred to by his academic title. Initially depicted as an intelligent and arrogant neurosurgeon, Strange experiences a career-ending car accident.

    • Overview
    • Biography
    • Personality
    • Powers and Abilities
    • Equipment
    • Facilities
    • Relationships
    • Trivia

    ―Doctor Strange and Wong

    Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange, M.D., Ph.D. is a Master of the Mystic Arts. Originally a brilliant but arrogant neurosurgeon, Strange got into a car accident which resulted in his hands becoming crippled. Once Western medicine failed him, Strange embarked on a journey to Kamar-Taj, where he was trained by the Ancient One in the ways of Magic and the Multiverse. Although he focused on healing his hands, Strange was drawn into a conflict with Kaecilius and the Zealots, who were working for Dormammu and had sought to merge Earth with the Dark Dimension. Following the demise of the Ancient One and the defeat of Kaecilius, Strange then became the new protector of the Sanctum Sanctorum, seeking to defend the Earth from other inter-dimensional threats.

    From his new position, Strange aided Thor in locating Odin, before he learned of Thanos' attempts to gain all of the Infinity Stones and cause a universal genocide. Since Strange was the protector of the Time Stone, he was attacked and captured by Thanos' Black Order, only for him to then be rescued by Iron Man and Spider-Man. Joining forces with the Guardians of the Galaxy, Strange battled against Thanos. However, as Strange had seen into the future and knew his only path to victory, he willingly handed over the Time Stone, allowing Thanos to wipe out half of life, including Strange. However, Strange and all the rest of Thanos' victims were resurrected five years later by the Avengers and battled against an alternate Thanos, ending in the Mad Titan's defeat.

    Strange offered his aid to Spider-Man, whose identity of Peter Parker was unmasked by Mysterio, as he asked Strange to make the world forget this. However, due to Parker's interference, the spell went wrong, and Strange inadvertently unleashed enemies of Spider-Men from across the Multiverse. Capturing these enemies, Strange tried to use the Macchina di Kadavus to send them back to their universes to meet their inevitable fates, which Spider-Man had refused to allow, hoping to give these people a chance at redemption. Having been trapped in the Mirror Dimension during a duel with Spider-Man, Strange returned and fought to contain the Multiversal rift. With no other choice, Strange cast a spell to return the visitors back to their universes and close the rifts, but also at the cost of making everyone, including himself, forget Parker's existence.

    Early Life
    Neurosurgeon Career
    Trained in Magic
    Conflict with Kaecilius
    New Protector
    Infinity War

    ―Doctor Strange to Spider-Man

    Prior to his accident, Strange had a massive ego and pride that fueled his career. As a result, Strange only took on patients that he believed would help benefit his status, even refusing to heal a U.S. Army Colonel's back, albeit it was because this injury was a simple one any neurosurgeon can fix. His work was also driven by a desire to control death and time, which led him to refuse even looking into any patient he perceived to have little chance of recovery to avoid ruining his track record. However, if he also perceived the chance a patient could survive, he would help them recover even if it would not benefit his public image, showing that at his core, he does care about saving people. In addition, he seemed to prioritize his research over his physician work, as he stated his work would save thousands for years to come, whereas a physician would only save a handful of patients that they would have to directly interact with. This, however, changed after his accident, which left Strange a broken man and constantly frustrated due to being incapable of returning to the life he knew. Upon visiting Kamar-Taj, Strange initially maintained his narrow-minded arrogance and stubbornly refused to believe that the Ancient One was telling the truth until she forcibly demonstrated astral projection and sent him across multiple dimensions to prove her point.

    Strange has shown extreme determination and stubbornness, a useful trait in a doctor as he would never give up on his patients, even when one was called dead with a bullet in his brain. Also, Strange was able to determine the patient was still alive to successfully save him. He spent most of his remaining money in seven different surgeries to attempt to heal his hands to the point of near bankruptcy, remained outside of Kamar-Taj's front door for five hours after being initially thrown out, then spent most of his time at Kamar-Taj studying and improving his abilities, even going as far as studying while sleeping through astral projection. He even allowed himself to be violently killed by countless times by Dormammu until he gave in to his demands and later giving up the Time Stone to Thanos in exchange for saving Tony Stark's life when he was about to be killed by the Mad Titan, even though wanted to save the Time Stone first. Despite his determined and stubborn attitude, Strange has shown to be the voices of reason to those around him.

    Through his training with the Ancient One, Strange gained a newfound appreciation for the natural order of things due to his studies of the Mystic Arts and became humbler. However, this was not to say he was a completely changed man; he retained a cocky attitude when dealing with people and things, as seen in how he behaved when he went to borrow books from Wong. This, coupled with his inquisitiveness and willingness to break rules, made him an odd one in Kamar-Taj and constantly an annoyance to many of his peers. However, due to this nature of his, he was also more willing to compromise and be somewhat flexible with his principles, quickly accepting that the Ancient One broke her own rules to do what was deemed necessary to protect the world, and he had to be willing to do so himself, which, when combined with his natural talent in the Mystic Arts, had the Ancient One name him as the new Master of the New York Sanctum, despite his relative lack of training and inexperience.

    Having trained as a doctor, Strange is a pacifist as he tries to avoid in killing and physically harming people, as it goes against the Hippocratic Oath. He was disgusted by his actions in killing Lucian Aster, stating he became a doctor to save lives, not take them. However, neither the Ancient One nor Karl Mordo was especially sympathetic towards this, with the former stating it was his towering ego and delusion that he could control death itself that made him become a doctor and the latter simply calling him a coward for not having the spine to do what has to be done. Nevertheless, Strange claimed that there were other ways to defeat their enemies, a claim he ultimately proved correct by defeating Dormammu without killing him. However, overtime, Strange has come to terms that he would have to forsaken his pacifist in killing and physically harming people in order to do what's right, but it mostly shows that he did grow a spine in order to do what needed to be done. Strange even goes to the point of not caring what happens to anyone that has mental and physical issues, as shown when he was going to allow a group of villains from different universes with their own Spider-Man to return to their universes and meet their fates instead of helping them, which goes against his nature as a doctor, although his intentions were to preserve the safety of the Multiverse.

    Despite coming off as arrogant and genuinely selfish, Strange does show an emotional side, especially when it comes to those who are closest to him, as he nearly broke down after the Ancient One's death, saying goodbye to Christine Palmer, the prospect of losing his memory of Peter Parker, seeing the memory of Palmer giving him his watch, and having to recall his sister's death. Strange has even shown to have good and well-meaning intentions. Also, Strange shows loyalty to those he considers his allies or friends and would help them in anyway he could, even those he distrusts, as seen when he helped Thor locate Odin so he and Loki would return to Asgard. In addition, Strange will show a soft spot for orphaned children or teenagers, as he showed this to Parker and America Chavez. Strange has even been seen to be protective towards his friends and allies, as he will put his life on the line to ensure they were safe from harm. Also, Strange will go extended lengths to protect those he cares about, as seen when he gave up the Time Stone to Thanos in exchange for Stark's safety and used the Darkhold to Dreamwalk into the corpse of his counterpart to save Chavez from the Scarlet Witch.


    ―Wong to Stephen Strange •Magic: As the master of the New York Sanctum and a former candidate for the position of Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange possesses an extremely high level of mastery over magic which he used to defend his native reality. With the death of the Ancient One, Doctor Strange is currently the most powerful member of the Masters of the Mystic Arts. Indeed, despite his initial inexperience, an impressed Karl Mordo and Wong claimed that Strange's prodigious skills meant that he was "born for the mystic arts," and the Ancient One herself noted that Strange has tremendous potential as a sorcerer. Indeed, even while still inexperienced, Strange was able to use the powers of the Time Stone's container, the Eye of Agamotto, quite effectively and safely, despite it being considered to be very dangerous for the natural order. With the help of numerous mystical artifacts and relics, in addition to his astral powers, Strange is able to gain access to a multitude of mystical powers. Strange makes up for his lack of experience with his gifted intellect, photographic memory and ingenuity, as he swiftly imprisoned Loki, an extremely skilled master of Asgardian sorcery, and even defeated Kaecilius by outsmarting Dormammu, forcing the latter to leave Earth alone and take Kaecilius with him. By the time of the Infinity War, Strange dramatically improved his power and skill in magic as he had received more training and gained more experience. He proved capable of single-handedly combating Thanos' use of the Infinity Gauntlet more effectively than the Guardians of the Galaxy and even Iron Man, with even the Titan himself praising Strange for his use of the Mystic Arts. The Ancient One stated long before Doctor Strange became a Master of the Mystic Arts that he was always meant to be the best of them. Later on, Doctor Strange was able to grow his power to such a level that he was able to contend against the likes of Scarlet Witch, despite her superior innate power. After tapping into the power of the Darkhold and accessing his third eye, Strange's magic increased to unknown levels. •Eldritch Magic: Strange is able to shape and manipulate Eldritch Magic, forming tangible constructs of energy, such as weapons or shields, as well as cast spells by writing specific formations with the fiery energy. Strange had demonstrated the ability to form his Eldritch Whips and Tao Mandalas, the latter of which he was even capable of conjuring the Shield of the Seraphim to shield himself, Iron Man, and Spider-Man from the impact of Ebony Maw's Q-Ship crashing on Titan. During the Battle of Titan, Strange demonstrated being able to conjure platforms for his allies to walk upon, as shown when Star-Lord jumped across them to attack Thanos. Additionally, he was able to craft a sword from Eldritch Magic that he used to engage the Titan alongside Drax. Strange was able to imbue one of Spider-Man's web-shooters with Eldritch Magic, thus allowing the web-shooters to fire webs of Eldritch Magic that teleported their targets to the cells in the dungeon. Strange was also able to go intangible by surrounding himself in an aura of Eldritch magic to escape the dungeon after Spider-Man put him into it. He can also create other weapons like a saw to cut through a bus thrown by Gargantos as well as use the musical notes on sheet music to throw at Sinister Strange. •Spell Casting: Utilizing magic, Doctor Strange can cast various spells as long as he has practiced them prior to the casting. Strange used a locator spell by scanning a piece of Thor's hair with fiery energy, briefly conjuring Odin's symbol in the process, to aid in forming a portal directly to Odin. He conjured the Winds of Watoomb, which cleared the street of smoke and debris after Ebony Maw's Q-Ship landed in Greenwich Village, while also stopping the destructive windstorm the ship was causing. The smoke was expelled from the street and towards the sky. Strange also used the spell to hold back the lake outside the Avengers Compound from rushing into the battlefield after its foundations were breached, gathering the water into a funnel and pushing it away. To protect the Eye of Agamotto from being stolen by Ebony Maw, Strange cast a spell upon the relic that burned anyone that attempts to take it, making it seemingly impossible to remove it unless the spell was removed, even if he were killed. Strange cast the Shield of the Seraphim to proect Iron Man, Spider-Man and himself when they crashed landed on Titan. During the Battle of Titan, Strange conjured the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak to restrain Thanos' hand so he couldn't use the power of the Infinity Gauntlet. The bands were much stronger than the usual Eldritch Whip he uses to restrain enemies, notably able to restrict Thanos' use of the Gauntlet for a considerable period of time, although Thanos was able to eventually break out and redirect the force of the bands to knock Strange away. Strange also projected a spell in front of himself that transformed a singularity sent by Thanos into multitudes of blue butterflies, impressing the Mad Titan. During the same battle, Strange cast the Images of Ikonn to create dozens of copies of himself to attack Thanos with their Eldritch Whips. The duplicates, however, were quickly dispersed when Thanos released a wave of energy using the Power and Soul Stone, with only the real Strange remaining. During the Battle of Earth, Strange opened up numerous chasms in the earth, producing glowing purple tendrils of energy that forcefully lifted up Thanos' soldiers and dragged them into the ground before resealing themselves and vanishing. Strange temporarily enchanted Spider-Man's Web-Shooters, infusing its webs with the ability to transport individuals to his dungeon on contact. With his portals, Strange was able to teleport Peter Parker and Otto Octavius to his dungeon, without being anywhere near them. An important spell that Strange has cast is the Runes of Kof-Kol that erased everyone's memory that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. However, this also included himself. Strange was able to design a circular saw made of energy to split a bus thrown by Gargantos in half, as well as cast a spell that revealed the giant monster when it was invisible. During an altercation with a street vendor in the Illuminati’s universe, Strange caused him to squirt mustard onto his own face and repeatedly punch himself, an effect that would go on to last three weeks. During his fight with Sinister Strange, he was able to make tangible musical notes of energy from nearby music sheets before launching them like shurikens at his corrupt doppelgänger, as well as create force-fields. •Portal Creation: Using a Sling Ring, Strange is able to open portals that lead to different locations, gaining the ability to both move across the material world and to other parts of the Multiverse. Strange can also teleport others at great speeds, with him notably causing a portal to move and engulf Thor and Loki, sending them to Odin's location, as well as rapidly open portals for Star-Lord and Spider-Man during their fight with Thanos. In addition, he can make portals small enough to reach through and grab things, such as several books from Wong's library or to exchange one object for another, as the portal he used to abduct Loki left a card bearing the address to the New York Sanctum in his place. Strange is also able to conjure portals cooperatively, as, during Ebony Maw's attempt to retrieve the Time Stone, he and Wong conjured separate portals to redirect several brick daggers back to Maw. There seem to be no limits to the distance Strange can reach with this power. •Dimensional Travel: Using the same Sling Ring, Strange can travel between different dimensions of the Multiverse, crossing over different planes of existence or traveling across various forms of reality. Furthermore, Strange can forcibly transport others to another dimension, and later retrieve them, as he did when temporarily imprisoning Loki in a dimension where he was constantly falling, leaving him there for thirty minutes until Thor asked for his release. When the Black Order arrived to retrieve the Time Stone, Strange and Wong were able to send an attack by Ebony Maw back by opening portals to a void-like dimension. •Energy Projection: Strange can project energy blasts, streams, and bolts of fiery energy. He notably generated powerful torrents of energy that ricocheted off several floating boulders, melting the surfaces they touched as they went, to attack Thanos. While fighting Wanda at the Gap Junction, Strange created a concentrated beam of intense energy. During his fight against Sinister Strange, he conjured energy blasts using musical notes. •Mirror Dimension Magic: After his training at Kamar-Taj, Doctor Strange is able to manipulate Mirror Dimension Magic. Strange was notably able to access the Mirror Dimension and transport himself, Karl Mordo, and the Zealots within the parallel reality with ease. Additionally, Strange was also capable of conjuring a construct of the Mirror Dimension in the form of crystalline fractals that acted as a shield, absorbing an energy beam from the Power Stone, and was also able to send the fractals at Thanos. Strange can warp space within the Mirror Dimension, as demonstrated during his skirmish with Spider-Man within the dimension. He was able to trap Scarlet Witch in the Mirror Dimension for a short time before she used her reality warping to break free through the reflections in the ground and objects. •Astral Projection: Strange is capable of separating his astral form from his body, gaining access to the Astral Dimension. He notably was able to assist Christine Palmer in operating on his physical body, demonstrating being able to make himself visible to her at will, using the use of the Mirror Dimension as a medium. Strange's astral body could also make his physical body glow from the inside out by putting his hand through it and touching it, which he used to allow Christine to better see his wound when she operated on him. As the Ancient One was dying, Strange was able to use his astral form to communicate with her astral form before her physical death. Notably, Strange found that as Palmer defibrillated his real body, his astral form would send out a blast of energy, which he used offensively while grappling with Lucian Aster's astral form, ultimately destroying it and killing him. •Conjuration: Strange was able to make an umbrella stand appear in front of Thor for him to put down Mjølnir, which had been disguised as an umbrella, as well as make a tea cup appear in Thor's hand. He also was able to hide the Time Stone after secretly removing it from the Eye of Agamotto and later made it appear between his fingers, allowing it to float over to Thanos. During his fight with Gargantos, he summoned a throwing axe to sever one of the creature's tentacles and caused it to vaporize. Strange was also able to summon a giant cat head from another dimension to eat a car before it hit a civilian. He also conjured two massive, bestial hands to grab a pole to use it to defeat the octopus creature. Strange summoned extra-dimensional serpents to fight Scarlet Witch. •Transmutation: During his meeting with Thor, Strange was able to turn a cup of tea into a large mug of beer that was also able to magically refill itself, much to Thor's pleasant surprise. After Bruce Banner crashed through the roof of the Sanctum, Strange was able to seamlessly transform the normal street clothes he was wearing into his blue robes. He repeated this process again when he changed from his suit to his blue robe so he could fight Gargantos. He also turned Christine Palmer's beverage into red wine by pointing at her glass. •Teleportation: Strange, while in the New York Sanctum, was able to transport himself and Thor around the building with ease, which was heavily disorienting to the Asgardian. At one point, he accidentally caused an entire bookshelf that Thor was leaning against to be brought along with them, before returning it and Thor to its previous location. However, he usually chooses to use his Sling Ring to teleport instead. •Fire Manipulation: Strange can generate and control the element of fire. He used this power to light a fire in the fireplace at the sanctum. He also summoned a type of green fire when fighting against Gargantos. •Telekinesis: Strange can influence objects and people with mere gestures, occasionally enveloping them with orange energy while doing so. He was able to use telekinesis to take away the Sling Ring from Ned Leeds, and the Macchina di Kadavus from Michelle Jones. He was also able to use his telekinesis to tie his tie as well as pulling a bus apart and put it back together using Mirror Dimension Magic. He would later open a grave for his deceased Variant on top of a roof, manipulated a street vendor's arm to stop him from spraying him with mustard and would open a metal gate with a raise of his arm while fleeing Scarlet Witch through a tunnel. •Levitation: Using the Cloak of Levitation, Strange is able to levitate and hover. The Cloak can greatly lessen the impact of falling from great heights by effortlessly reducing his speed. He used his cloak to reach the heights of Scarlet Witch in the air to reason with her before her eventual attack and destruction of Kamar-Taj.

    Former Powers

    ―Doctor Strange to Dormammu •Time Manipulation: Using the Eye of Agamotto, Strange could control the flow of time or be it on a small or massive scale, notably to turn back something to a previous state, accelerating its time in order to apply changes that have not happened yet, or to lock in a time loop, with time resetting over and over until he stops its effect. Despite having safely and effectively handled the Time Stone's powers, Strange still concluded that he was not ready to use it liberally yet and decided to return it until he was ready to use it again. By the time of the Infinity War, it seems that Strange has mastered the Time Stone's powers, as he was confident he can use it safely in battle. Apparently seeing that the only future that led to victory involved the Snap taking place first as well as Iron Man's survival, Strange willingly surrendered the Time Stone to Thanos in exchange for sparing Iron Man's life, losing the ability to use it. He first tested the ability on an apple, rewinding time on it to make it whole and then forwarding time to make it rot, despite not actually eating it to that point beforehand. If interrupted while using this ability, time freezes until he resumes the spell. He even used it to make a reconstruction of the stolen pages of the Book of Cagliostro and read from it, though he seemed to be unable to make the page real and only could reveal what had been there before. Strange notably used the ability to trap Dormammu himself in a temporal loop, which would reset each time he killed Strange, keeping Dormammu from leaving his dimension to invade Earth until he agreed to leave Earth for good. •Parachronal Cognition: He was able to use the Eye of Agamotto to peer into various futures just like the Ancient One did, so as to gain insight into all the results of the upcoming conflict against Thanos and his ferocious crusade. Strange saw that there was only one future where he and his allies won while over 14 million more was that they lost against Thanos. Seeing all the scenarios for how the Infinity War could end required him to exert an immense amount of energy, as he had to physically live them and then die in each one and right before he dies he has to reset and repeat, and took notes as he went. ―Christine Palmer and Doctor Strange •Darkhold Magic: In order to stop the Scarlet Witch while in another universe, Strange was forced to use that universe's Darkhold, despite knowing the risks. The use of this caused the Souls of the Damned to come for Strange, but they were fought off by Christine Palmer using the Brazier of Bom'Galiath. •Dreamwalking: With the Darkhold, Strange dreamwalked into his alternate self's corpse, which was laying in a roof. Strange used an Inter-Dimensional Portal to get to the Mount Wundagore. He was then attacked by Souls of the Damned, but was skilled enough to use them and make wings. He then flew over to the Darkhold Castle and fought Scarlet Witch. However, he was no match for her and had to talk America Chavez into defeating her.


    ―Karl Mordo and Doctor Strange •Genius-Level Intellect: Strange has a photographic memory and perfect recall had originally greatly aided him in medical school, helping him to earn both his M.D. and Ph.D. simultaneously, going on to become one of the world's most renowned neurosurgeons, and later proving himself equally prodigious in the study of mystic arts. During his mystic arts studies in Kamar-Taj, Strange managed to master entering the Astral Dimension, despite Wong not believing him to be ready. When Strange used the Eye of Agamotto to restore the missing pages from the Book of Cagliostro, he only saw the page for about 15 seconds, but was able to learn about Dormammu, the Dark Dimension, and the ritual for eternal life as well as work out the ritual and deduce how the Ancient One has remained alive for so long. He proved to be capable of intellectually sparring with Tony Stark and Thanos. ―Christine Palmer and Doctor Strange •Master Physician: Strange was one of the world's most renowned neurosurgeons. His genius surgical skill allowed him to flawlessly perform extremely complicated surgeries with little to no mechanical assistance. Indeed, Strange's skills were superior to those of his colleagues Christine Palmer and Nicodemus West, as he was able to notice a cause of injury in a patient while neither of them could, thus preventing West from killing the patient. Strange's perfect record and reputation with the craft reached such a point that ultimately, he developed a penchant for undertaking only the most challenging but still viable of operations, in order to boost his huge ego. Despite losing the ability to perform surgeries after his hands were damaged beyond repair in a catastrophic car accident, Strange still kept his profound medical knowledge, which allowed him to give out directions to Palmer and West during surgery on the Ancient One. During his surgical career, Strange was able to develop entirely new techniques for performing highly complicated surgical procedures that he claimed would significantly advance medical practices for years to come. Strange was even able to perform surgery during the extremely stressful Battle of New York. ―Ancient One and Bruce Banner •Expert Tactician: Strange's tremendous intellect contributes to his already incredible tactical insight. A highly ingenious strategist, Strange relied on pure wits to stop both Kaecilius and Dormammu himself due to his lack of experience in fighting supernatural forces. He used the Eye of Agamotto to trap the primordial entity in an endless time loop while using tactics of psychological warfare to mentally torment Dormammu instead of stopping him with magic and, as a result, ultimately succeeded in forcing his foe back into the Dark Dimension, taking the Zealots along with him. ―Doctor Strange to Thanos •Master Martial Artist: After studying under the guidance of the Ancient One and training with Karl Mordo for months, Strange became proficient in martial arts, both armed and hand-to-hand combat, with his skill being great enough to allow him to fight off and evade many of the far more experienced and extensively trained Zealots sorcerers attacks while trying to escape the New York Sanctum, overpower and kill Lucian Aster, and even managing to hold his own against Kaecilius himself reasonably well, with Strange notably managing to fight Kaecilius almost to a standstill in their last altercation by using the reconstructing landscape of Hong Kong to his advantage, although he was ultimately overpowered and only defeated Kaecilius by outsmarting him rather than defeating him in pure skill. Eventually, as he further practiced and trained, by the time of the Infinity War, Strange's skill and experience in fighting had improved significantly to the point that with help from Drax, Strange was even able to fight against Thanos himself in close-quarters combat, lasting longer than Drax, although Thanos only had the use of one eye due to the other being blinded by a webbed cotton and is quick to overwhelm Strange soon after beating back Drax. However, Strange's hands still suffer from severe nerve and bone damage as a result of his accident, further exacerbated by the unsuccessful surgeries made towards restoring his dexterity, meaning his hands are delicate and prone to intense pain should he attempt to directly strike something or someone, thus leading his technique to consist mainly of a combination of parries and the use of spells. During his fight with an alternate Karl Mordo, he proved himself capable of blocking, dodging and countering his attacks as well as effectively landing his own when neither one of them were using their magic, despite his hands still being injured. Strange is also proficient with weapons, as he wielded an Eldritch sword against Thanos and threw a conjured axe to chop off one of Gargantos' tentacles. •Whip Mastery: Strange was able to form Eldritch Whips which he used in various ways. He was able to pull back Thanos with the whips as well as attacking Gargantos. •Bilingualism: Strange is fluent in his native English, and becomes proficient enough with Sanskrit during his months in Kamar-Taj to enable him to study advanced books Wong deemed him not ready for, including the Book of Cagliostro.

    Other Equipment

    ―Karl Mordo and Ancient One •Cloak of Levitation: A mantle that enables Doctor Strange to levitate and hover in the air. It appears to be sentient and can move on its own power, causing it to move and flap in the air without the presence of wind. Offensively, the cloak's ability to move and fly with or without a wearer allows it to grab, lift, tackle or send enemies flying through the air. The cloak assists Strange in combat by protecting him from attacks, preventing his enemies like Lucian Aster and Thanos from blindsiding him, as well as attacking enemies on its own whenever possible, and doing maneuvers that are difficult for most humans to do. •Sling Ring: A mystical object which enables the wearer to open an Inter-Dimensional Portal to another location. •Eye of Agamotto: An ancient relic with a number of mystical properties, especially time manipulation in the user's immediate vicinity and on specific areas or targets. Originally the containment vessel for the Time Stone, it was still worn by Strange following the Stone's destruction. ―Kaecilius to Doctor Strange •Brazier of Bom'Galiath: During his battle with Kaecilius in the New York Sanctum, Strange found himself overpowered and grabbed the first weapon he could find which was the Brazier of Bom'Galiath, only for Kaecilius to call him out on his lack of knowledge about it, resulting in Strange simply throwing it. •Rotunda of Gateways: During his fight with Kaecilius and his Zealots in the New York Sanctum, Strange used the Rotunda of Gateways he had found earlier, to trap one of the Zealots in the desert and the other, Lucian Aster, in the jungle, leaving only himself and Kaecilius to continue fighting throughout the Sanctum. •Crimson Bands of Cyttorak: While fighting Kaecilius, Strange was advised by the Cloak of Levitation to use a suit of armor attached to the wall. Although initially skeptical that they would have any benefit, Strange relented and threw the armor at Kaecilius, who became entrapped in the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, ending their fight although Kaecilius was later able to escape. •Cauldron of the Cosmos: Stationed in the main hallway of the New York Sanctum was the Cauldron of the Cosmos, which the Cloak of Levitation stopped Tony Stark from disrespectfully leaning against. •Magic Inhibitor: When Strange was detained by the Illuminati, Magic Inhibitors were placed around his wrists to prevent him from using Magic.

    Former Equipment

    ―Stephen Strange to Peter Parker •Time Stone: Upon taking the role of one of the Masters of the Mystic Arts, Strange was vowed to protect one of the Infinity Stones housed within the Eye of Agamotto. Initially unaware of its true power, Strange experimented with the Stone to rot and grow back an apple, before using it to undo Kaecilius' attempt to destroy Hong Kong before trapping Dormammu into a time loop which he was unable to escape from. As Strange prepared to battle Thanos, he used the Stone to see into the future in an attempt to find any possible way they could be victorious in their clash against the Mad Titan. Strange was later forced to give Thanos the Time Stone to save Tony Stark. •Darkhold: Strange used the Darkhold from Sinister Strange's reality to take over Defender Strange corpse, wanting to save America Chavez from Scarlet Witch. However, he was attacked by demons, as taking control over corpses was forbidden, but thanks to Christine Palmer he remained unharmed. After Wanda destroyed the book throughout the Multiverse, he left alternate Strange's corpse and returned to his own body. However, after a while it was found that the Darkhold had left a mark on him: a third eye on his forehead.


    •Lamborghini Huracán: Strange used to own and drive a Lamborghini Huracán, however, while he was driving to one of his speaking events, Strange became distracted by Billy's descriptions of a potential patient and lost control. Strange would drive his car off a hill as a result, destroying the car, and crushing his hands during the impact. •Q-Ship: After the Attack on Greenwich Village, Ebony Maw took Strange to the Q-Ship in order to extract the Time Stone from the Eye of Agamotto and deliver it to Thanos on Titan. However, Iron Man and Spider-Man rescued Strange by sending Maw to the vacuum of space, killing him. Strange eventually agreed to use the Q-Ship to confront Thanos on Titan and used a protection spell to prevent it from crash-landing to its destination.

    •Metro-General Hospital:

    After graduating, Stephen Strange started working in the ER at Metro-General Hospital. At this hospital, he met Christine Palmer who he became very close with. He then worked as a successful neurosurgeon until early 2016. On the night of February 2nd, 2016, he got a call from his friend Billy while driving. His friend gave him potential patients to treat. This conversation caused Strange to get distracted from the road and drive into another car, making him to spin out of control. Having severe nerve damage in his hands, he was picked up by a helicopter and brought back to Metro-General where he then spent months recovering.

    •Stephen Strange's Apartment: Due to being a successful neurosurgeon, Strange was able to buy a very luxurious apartment in New York City overlooking many skyscrapers.


    With many failures to heal his hands, Strange went to go see Jonathan Pangborn, a former patient with paralysis, Pangborn quickly mentioned how Strange refused to see him for treatment. Strange stated that he was untreatable. He then asked how he was able to heal his broken spine. Pangborn said that he went to a place called Kamar-Taj. After spending the last of his money to get there, Strange met the Ancient One. She taught him that Kamar-Taj was not a normal place, it is the home of sorcerers and magic. She explained how Pangborn uses magic to let himself walk and Strange can do the same. For many months Stephen trained and studied to become a good sorcerer, he quickly made friends with other sorcerers like Karl Mordo and Wong.

    •New York Sanctum:


    •Donna Strange † - Sister


    •Metro-General Hospital •Christine Palmer - Ex-Girlfriend, Former Colleague, Love Interest and Savior •Nicodemus West - Former Colleague and Former Rival •Billy - Friend and Former Assistant •Patel - Former Assistant •Garrison - Former Colleague •Weiss - Former Colleague •Bruner - Former Colleague •Etienne - Former Colleague •Jonathan Pangborn •Masters of the Mystic Arts •Ancient One † - Former Leader and Predecessor •Wong - Mentor, Leader and Best Friend •Hamir † •Sol Rama † •Daniel Drumm † •Tina Minoru •Grem •B'sso •Hong Kong Master •London Master •Sara Wolfe † •Rintrah •Weasel •Vinny •America Chavez - Friend •Odin † •Avengers •Steve Rogers/Captain America •Tony Stark/Iron Man † - Savior and Former Rival •Bruce Banner/Hulk - Resurrector •Peter Parker/Spider-Man - Savior, Former Friend and Temporary Enemy •Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch † - Temporary Enemy and Former Attempted Killer •Sam Wilson/Falcon •Scott Lang/Ant-Man •James Rhodes/War Machine •Clint Barton/Hawkeye •Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel •Pepper Potts/Rescue •Guardians of the Galaxy •Peter Quill/Star-Lord - Temporary Enemy •Drax the Destroyer - Temporary Enemy •Mantis - Temporary Enemy •Nebula •Groot •Rocket Raccoon •Thor •Golden Tribe •T'Challa/Black Panther † •Shuri •Dora Milaje •Okoye •Jabari Tribe •M'Baku •Border Tribe •Wakandan Royal Guard •Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier •Brunhilde/Valkyrie •Warsong •Korg •Miek •Einherjar •Ravagers •Kraglin Obfonteri •Howard the Duck •Hope van Dyne/Wasp •Gamora •Ned Leeds •Michelle Jones •Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus - Former Prisoner and Savior •Flint Marko/Sandman - Former Prisoner •Max Dillon/Electro - Former Prisoner •Peter Parker/Spider-Man •Peter Parker/Spider-Man •Charlie - Fan •Carla •Christine Palmer - Friend •Charles Xavier/Professor X † •Clea


    •HYDRA •Zealots •Kaecilius - Attempted Killer •Lucian Aster † - Attempted Killer and Victim •Blonde Zealot •Brunette Zealot •Tall Zealot † •Dormammu - Killer (in the time loops) •Karl Mordo - Former Trainer and Attempted Killer •Loki † •Black Order •Ebony Maw † - Attempted Killer •Cull Obsidian † •Thanos † - Killer •Thanos † •Black Order •Ebony Maw † •Cull Obsidian † •Proxima Midnight † •Corvus Glaive † •Chitauri •Leviathans •Chitauri Gorillas •Outriders •Sakaarans •Curt Connors/Lizard - Former Prisoner •Norman Osborn/Green Goblin - Former Prisoner and Attempted Killer •Gargantos † - Attempted Killer and Victim •Pizza Poppa •Illuminati •Karl Mordo/Baron Mordo - Former Captor and Attempted Killer •Blackagar Boltagon/Black Bolt † •Peggy Carter/Captain Carter † •Maria Rambeau/Captain Marvel † •Reed Richards/Mister Fantastic † •Ultron Sentries •Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange † - Alternate Self, Attempted Killer and Victim •Demons •Souls of the Damned - Attempted Killers •Elder Beasts

    •In the comics, Stephen Strange was the founder and long-time leader of the Defenders, a member of the New Avengers and one of the Illuminati, a group made of the smartest and most powerful individuals, including Blackagar Boltagon, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Medusa, Hank Pym, and T'Challa.

    •As a result of his confrontation with Dormammu in the Dark Dimension, Strange has officially died more times than any other character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

  4. Formerly a renowned surgeon, Doctor Stephen Strange now serves as the Sorcerer SupremeEarths foremost protector against magical and mystical threats.

  5. 6 days ago · Doctor Strange Stephen Strange is a sorcerer and former neurosurgeon who served as the Sorcerer Supreme from 2017 until 2018. He was renowned as one of the foremost neurosurgeons.

  6. Formerly a renowned surgeon, Doctor Stephen Strange now serves as the Sorcerer Supreme—Earth’s foremost protector against magical and mystical threats.

  7. Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange is a world renowned neurosurgeon until a tragic accident cost him his medical skills and career. Searching for a way to restore his talents, he traveled the world; until he finally encountered the Ancient One, the enigmatic teacher who offered to teach him the ways of...

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