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  2. Aug 30, 2023 · One of the fundamental reasons why relationships are hard is because they require us to change and evolve. When we enter into a relationship, we bring our unique perspectives,...

    • Fading enthusiasm. The top concern has to do with the difficulty of sustaining energy and enthusiasm in a long-term relationship. Many partners/spouses find long-term relationships to be tiring and they get bored quickly.
    • Long work hours. Some have speculated that divorce rates can be predicted by the length of a spouse’s commute. This research adds credibility to this claim.
    • Lack of personal time and space. Feeling ‘suffocated’ or lacking sufficient ‘me time’ is another common reason why people have difficulty maintaining romantic relationships.
    • Character issues. People who view themselves as quirky or selfish also have difficulty sustaining long-term romantic relationships. Moreover, people who complain often to their romantic partners — perhaps reflecting deeper insecurity or character issue — also find it difficult to maintain a relationship for the long haul.
  3. Aug 30, 2023 · One of the fundamental reasons why relationships are hard is because they require us to change and evolve. When we enter into a relationship, we bring our unique perspectives, beliefs, and behaviors.

    • You Have to Put in A Lot of Time and Energy
    • You Have to Be A Good Communicator
    • You Have to Be Understanding
    • You Have to Control Your Selfishness
    • You Have to Go Against Your Genetic Programming
    • You Need to Be Good at Conflict Management
    • You Need to Heal Past Traumas
    • You Can No Longer Resist Growth
    • You Have to Improve Your EQ
    • You Have to Compromise

    Relationships don’t grow on their own. You need to continually put time and energy into them. In this sense, relationships are a lot like businesses. Businesses die when you ignore them.

    Communication is the lifeline of healthy relationships. Poor communication skills cause most conflicts in relationships. Good communication doesn’t come naturally to a lot of people. So, they have to work at it continually.

    Relationships aren’t for immaturepeople who lack understanding. I’ve said repeatedly that the most important relationship skill is seeing things from others’ perspectives. To do that, you have to have peak levels of understanding. Not only do you have to be understanding, but you also need the ability to make others understand.

    We’re all designed to be selfish. We’re wired to think of ourselves before we think of anyone else. But doing so can be the death of relationships. Relationships require you to control selfishness. You can be selfish but not at the cost of your relationship. You need to learn the art of being selfish without trampling others.

    Humans are wired to be selfish and to help their genetic relatives. Helping one’s genetic relatives allows one to propagate their own genes. The closer the genetic relationship, the more likely they are to get help. Your relationship partner isn’t genetically related to you, which makes your relationship with them very fragile. At the same time, yo...

    This ties in with being a good communicator. Conflicts often emerge in relationships because people, being threat-sensitive, assume the worst. Their lizard brains are prone to seeing threats where there are none. It takes advanced communication skills to reassure people and calm their reptilian brains.

    You may have worked on yourself a lot to deal with your past traumas. Kudos to you! But if you haven’t been in a relationship, your traumas are only taking a nap. You haven’t put them to deep sleep. They’ll wake up again as soon as you enter a relationship. Traumas and past baggage significantly impact our relationships because they shape who we ar...

    Relationships force you to grow. If you’ve been avoiding growth, you can no longer continue it because now your lack of growth impacts another person. Relationships make you more responsible, mature, and socially smart.

    A considerable part of growing as a person is developing your emotional intelligence. Relationships require you to control your fears and insecurities. They also need you to have infinite patience.

    All relationships are essentially transactions, but it’s not appropriate to admit they’re transactions. By ‘relationships are transactions,’ I mean there’s give-and-take involved. This give-and-take needs to be balanced for the relationship to thrive. Ideally, both partners should feel they’re getting more out of the relationship than they’re putti...

  4. Nov 29, 2023 · Being in a complicated relationship can make you feel uncertain, insecure, anxious, and depressed. It can take a toll on your mental health and make it difficult for you to function. Introspecting about what’s distressing you, communicating clearly with your partner, and asking for what you need can help uncomplicate the relationship.

  5. Sep 11, 2023 · Do you think you are hard to love? There might be a reason why people find it difficult to maintain a long relationship with you. Learn what they could be and what you can do about them.

  6. There are a lot of reasons why relationships are difficult, but here are nine of the main ones to keep in mind and overcome them: 1. Lack of Effective Communication. Effective communication is the key to a healthy relationship.

  1. Find Your Love Style and Improve Your Relationships and Marriage. Take the Free Test Today. Boost You Love Harmony. Created by Professionals. Easy, Accurate, Insightful and Free.

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