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  1. 4309 proorízō (from 4253 /pró, "before" and 3724 /horízō, "establish boundaries, limits") – properly, pre-horizon, pre-determine limits (boundaries) predestine. [4309 (proorízō) occurs six times in the NT (eight in the writings of Paul).

  2. Divine predestination means that God has a purpose that is determined long before it is brought to pass. It implies that God is infinitely capable of planning and then bringing about what he has planned, and Scripture speaks of him as doing this ( Isa 14:24-27 ; 22:11 ; 37:26 ; 44:7-8 ; 46:8-10 ).

  3. Jan 4, 2022 · The key is understanding what predestination means, biblically. The words translated “predestined” in the Scriptures referenced above are from the Greek word proorizo, which carries the meaning of “determining beforehand,” “ordaining,” “deciding ahead of time.”.

  4. Feb 23, 2024 · Definition. In the Bible. Who Believes in Predestination? True Meaning. Bible Verses. Predestination Definition. The Greek word proorizō is used six times in the New Testament. In the NIV, it is translated as: Had decided beforehand (Acts 4:28) He predestined (Romans 8:29-30) Destined (1 Corinthians 2:7) He predestined (Ephesians 1:5)

  5. The Greek word rendered "predestinate" is found only in these six passages, Acts 4:28; Romans 8:29, 30; 1 Corinthians 2:7; Ephesians 1:5, 11; and in all of them it has the same meaning. They teach that the eternal, sovereign, immutable, and unconditional decree or "determinate purpose" of God governs all events.

  6. In secular Greek documents of the time, how was the word προορισθέντες used? Does it mean the future is fixed or what? I want to know what the word means as used in the time it was written.

  7. 1. (a.) Predestinated; foreordained; fated. 2. (v. t.) To predetermine or foreordain; to appoint or ordain beforehand by an unchangeable purpose or decree; to preelect. Greek. 4309. proorizo -- to predetermine, foreordain. ... determine before, ordain, predestinate.

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