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  2. Type 5w4 Fears and Desires. A list of the core fears and desires of Type 5w4. As humans, we all have fears and desires. As a 5w4, it is likely you will share some common fears and desires with other Enneagram Type 5 wing 4 people.

  3. In addition to your core personality type, your Enneagram wings can further influence your moods, reactions, feelings, fears, and motivations. If you’re an Enneagram 5, your wings will be either Type 4 or Type 6. In this article, we’ll be looking specifically at the 5w4.

  4. Basic Fear. Type fives with a four wing are afraid of being helpless and incompetent. They tend to overcompensate for this by spending their time developing new knowledge and skills to feel useful and worthy. Basic Desire. Their basic desire is to feel helpful and able.

  5. Aug 5, 2023 · The Enneagram 5w4, or the Five with a Four-Wing, is a unique personality type that combines traits from both Type 5 (The Investigator) and Type 4 (The Individualist). People who identify as 5w4 are deeply driven by their pursuit of knowledge and desire to understand themselves better.

  6. The levels below illuminate the adaptive and maladaptive expressions of Enneagram Type 5s core desires and fears. As Type 5s grow and evolve, they can ascend towards healthier levels, showcasing more self-awareness, balance, and positive traits.

  7. Enneagram 5w4 Fears & Desires. The insatiable thirst for knowledge that dominates this type’s personality is, among other things, a reflection of their deep need to control life and predict the workings of the world. Generally speaking, this need is the key to understanding the 5w4’s deepest fears and desires.

  8. Basic Desire. Enneagram type 5 wing 4 basic desire is being an expert in something that shows the world how necessary and useful they are. As they seek acceptance and struggle to recognize their true identity, they look for anything upon which they can leave their mark.

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