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  2. Dec 7, 2015 · I understand that you have an issue with usage of storage space by other Users. I will surely help you to fix this issue. You can use Disk Cleanup to reduce the number of unnecessary files on your drives, which can help your PC run faster.

  3. Oct 3, 2014 · A "User Account" by itself takes up very little space. But once that user first logs in, Windows creates a "Profile" for that user which can take up a lot of space.

  4. Nov 20, 2017 · Looks like you have 105GB of content on the admin account. In order to check what is occupying that space, login to the machine with the admin account. Go to Storage Settings and check what is occupying this space. Is it user content or Others taking up majority of the space? Please let us know your investigation. Thanks! Hope this helps.

  5. Apr 25, 2021 · The size of a user profile depends on what apps, software, and amount of files installed, as well as user configuration and thus can vary greatly. Mine is 75gig... A hibernation file can file can take up a lot of space, your System Protection (Restore Point) settings can increase or decrease storage usage.

  6. Jul 5, 2019 · The computer I am using has 7 other user accounts besides my own user account. Now it is running out of disk space. The operation system is Windows 10. Under "settings->storage," I can see "Other people" are using 220 GB in total.

  7. Jan 8, 2019 · I've tried all the usual ways to free up hard drive space but they don't really help much. Currently only 21 GB are free on the C drive and 1.24 GB are free on the D (recovery drive). When I drill into the storage usage on the C drive, I see that 525 GB! are being used by "Other People".

  8. Jul 10, 2016 · I would like to inform that the option is not available as each user has opened particular Apps/applications which will be running by which the RAM will be user and thus low memory warning pop's up. To clean up disk space, you can run Disk Cleanup by following the steps provided in the link below:

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