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  1. Old Money. As it says in Kenneth Hodges’ site, the English system is based on the pound, shilling and penny (Latin liber, solidus, and denarius, which is where the English abbreviations “L.s.d” come from). The French livre, sou, and denier are equivalent to the pound. The conversion is: £1 = 20 shillings; 1 shilling = 12 pence; Wages

  2. Jan 9, 2016 · Here are 10 interesting facts about money in the world of Shakespeare and Elizabethan England. The standard rate for an author writing a play was approximately £5-6 in the 1590s. By 1616, it was up to about £10 per play.

  3. Mar 17, 2015 · England’s contribution in the Low Countries only came to £25,000. However, the Queen’s income for 1600 was estimated at £374,000 – a shortfall of £86,000. There were a few – such as members of the Merchant Adventurers – who did very well during Elizabeth’s reign.

  4. Oct 13, 2005 · He’s the designer of the Spasmodica shoe, a world-famous but flawed new product that his boss (Alec Baldwin) informs him will lose $972 million and is “a failure of mythic proportions, a folk tale that makes other people feel better because it didn’t happen to them.”

  5. Elizabethtown is a 2005 American romantic tragicomedy written and directed by Cameron Crowe, starring Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst. Drew Baylor (Bloom) is on top of the world. He just designed a shoe for a Nike Expy. It's expected to be a huge hit. His family is proud of him.

  6. Apr 24, 2017 · But whilst these popular depictions take pride in the romanticized myth of Shakespeare’s humble player-origins (safe in the knowledge of his forthcoming rise to gentility), perhaps there is a more complex story to be told about his financial dealings.

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  8. Estimates have varied quite wildly. We have no evidence as to whether he was paid extra for writing plays (probably not much—Henslowe seems usually to have paid no more than £7 per script), or whether he received the profits of one performance as all or part of his remuneration as a writer.

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