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  1. Apr 30, 2018 · While some signs get swept up in the heat of a moment ( Aries, Aquarius ), other signs plan their trysts in advance ( Cancer, Virgo ). Some signs get off on the attention ( Leo, Libra ), while ...

    • Kristine Fellizar
    • Aries (March 21 - April 19) Fiery Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action, aggression, and sexuality. “This is one sign that has an extremely high sex drive, and also has a tendency to get bored easily,” astrologer Clarisse Monahan tells Bustle.
    • Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Among all the signs in the zodiac, it should come as no surprise that Gemini is the one sign that’s most likely to cheat. After all, they are symbolized by the duality of the twins, so there are at least two sides of their personality that you need to be aware of.
    • Libra (September 23 - October 22) Libra, being a Venus-ruled sign, is the ultimate romantic and are extremely relationship focused. Despite being a chatty social creature, Libras are natural lovers and pacifists, Mckean says.
    • Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) "In truth, Scorpio is one of the most faithful of all the signs; however, if they cheat, they are likely to hide it," Mckean says.
    • Aries (March 21—April 19): Competition
    • Taurus (April 20—May 20): Beauty
    • Gemini (May 21—June 20): Stimulation
    • Cancer (June 21—July 22): Connection
    • Leo (July 23—Aug. 22): Affection
    • Virgo (Aug. 23—Sept. 22): Success
    • Libra (Sept. 23—Oct. 22): Romance
    • Scorpio (Oct. 23—Nov. 21): Mystery
    • Sagittarius (Nov. 22—Dec. 21): Spontaneity
    • Capricorn (Dec. 22—Jan. 19): Opportunity

    Aries are thrill-seekers who enjoy a good challenge, according to Mesa, so “something as simple as jokingly rejecting them can get their fire going.” Aries are fiercely competitive and love winning, so if they come across someone equally as — if not more — cutthroat, they may find themselves too tempted to resist.

    Taureans are well known for their loyalty once they commit, but their innate sensuality and love of beauty can occasionally cause their eyes to wander. “This fixed earth sign loves to indulge in their delights, so the right eye candy could very well do the trick,” Mesa says.

    Geminis have quite the reputation for being two-faced, but their tendency to become easily bored is often overlooked. “They’re always looking for mentally stimulating situations,” Mesa says, so someone who quenches their curiosity is their kryptonite. If someone happens to hold Gemini’s attention — whether that’s in person or even online — that’s s...

    Cancers are best known for their sensitivity and ability to form and cultivate emotional connections, and are usuallyhappy to remain committed when in relationships. That said, “They’re also turned on by the mere thought of a smoldering connection,” Mesa says. “The more hypnotic and emotionally consuming the romance, the more they want to experienc...

    Leos love love — and Leos love themselves. “They’ll go above and beyond to spread joy, warmth, and express their affection towards others," and they’re especially eager for everyone else to return their affection. That’s why Leos “simply cannot resist the thought of being desired,” Mesa says. “The right joke, compliment, gesture, or pick-up line ge...

    Virgos are generally committed, practical, methodical, and extremely efficient. According to Mesa, Virgo’s love language is acts of service, so “the ‘temptation’ will likely consist of them doing someone a ‘favor’ on a more sinister note, seducing a specific individual as a stepping stone to their success.” Otherwise, “Virgo isn’t about to waste ti...

    Libras “can pretty much flirt in their sleep,” and are prone to developing multiple crushes — and getting over them just as quickly as they started. That said, someone can easily seduce a Libra with traditional, rom-com level romantic gestures. “This cardinal air sign is a sucker for certain aesthetics, sweet gestures, and the honeymoon phase,” say...

    Scorpios are an extremely sexy and seductive sign — and they know it. It’s what makes them so hypnotic and intimidating. Scorpios are known for their “ride-or-die loyalty,” says Mesa, but “they also tend to become fixated and obsessed when turned on.” This insatiable desire may be difficult to control, so anyone "mysterious and sexually tempting" w...

    Sagittarians are notoriously chaotic — but sometimes that’s a good thing. They’re adventurous, spontaneous, and often driven by their desire to wander. “Monogamy isn’t something they necessary believe in,” Mesa says, “so they’re constantly reminding themselves of their options.” Sagittarians “can’t say no to an impromptu, no-strings-attached, one-n...

    Capricorns are extremely loyal and disciplined, priding themselves on their honesty and integrity. “If a Capricorn is willing to cheat on their significant other, then chances are they’re walking away from someone in the process.” Basically, the potential outcome of this ‘fling’ needs to be worthy of their investment., because “this earth sign is w...

    • Danielle Sinay
  2. Aries and Aquarius are two signs apart, meaning they form a sextile. This means they hold similar values, as well as the same temperament and personality. Both are active, ambitious, and enjoy a large range of interests.

    • Nina Kahn
    • Seeming Emotionally Detached. Aquarians have a reputation for coming off as aloof — which is mostly because they spend a lot of time in their heads, thinking about big-picture concepts and coming up with innovative ideas.
    • Fearing Typical Relationship Rules. As the sign ruled by rebellious planet Uranus, Aquarians love to break rules and carve out unique paths for themselves — including in their love lives.
    • Not Having Enough Alone Time. Free-thinking Aquarians are naturally independent and like to march to the beat of their own drum, so they can’t stand feeling smothered by a clingy partner or stifled by other people’s expectations in relationships.
    • Applying Logic To Love. The Aquarian need to question the status quo and find logical solutions is what makes them such brilliant and creative thinkers!
  3. Nov 14, 2023 · While Aries tends to dive headfirst into love, Aquarius is a lot more reserved and careful when it comes to letting down their guard. Nevertheless, if Aries' charisma and affection can crack through Aquarius' aloof demeanor, they'll find Aquarius is actually endeared by their efforts.

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  5. Apr 4, 2024 · Aries and Aquarius compatibility is obvious immediately. They have a noticeable connection, even to outsiders. Take a deep dive into the Aries and Aquarius relationship to discover what makes it work and what could be an issue down the line.