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    • Can be considered divine revelations

      • Visions are a direct form of communication from God and thus can be considered divine revelations. God may reveal something important for that individual or a larger group of people. Visions often provide guidance, revelation or insight about God’s plans. They may reveal things that are otherwise unknown or not physically visible.
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  2. Jan 14, 2024 · Visions are a type of divine revelation where God reveals something visually to a person. Visions often serve to guide, instruct, encourage or warn. They are a supernatural experience where a person sees something that is not physically present.

  3. Dreams and visions – we all have dreams and dream-like experiences, and science and psychology can at least partially explain these phenomena. Just because we can’t yet fully explain them doesn’t...

  4. Visions and dreams. In the Bible it is taught that God communicates with His people through visions and dreams. Some Christians believe that God still speaks to people in this way. And He said,...

    • Divine Revelation Is Extraordinary
    • The Heavens Declare The Glory of God: General Revelation
    • From Creator to Savior: Special Revelation
    • The Inscripturated Word: Inspiration
    • Inspiration as Concursus
    • Assurance of Inspiration: The Gospel

    As Christians, we take God’s revelation of himself for granted. But if we think about who God is, it is nothing short of remarkable that he has spoken. This is true for a number of reasons. To begin with, he is the infinite, eternal, and incomprehensible Creator. We, on the other hand, are finite creatures. God is not merely greater in size, as if ...

    We should distinguish, however, between two types of revelation. First, there is general revelation. It is called general because it (1) is given to everyone everywhere and (2) is broad (though far from empty) in what it says about God. General revelation, for example, does not communicate the mysteries of the Trinity or the person and work of Jesu...

    Being gracious, God has provided special revelation in a variety of ways. A brief look at how God reveals himself to his people, Israel, in the OT demonstrates that God’s special, saving revelation is rich, communicated through a mosaic of mediums, including theophanies, dreams, visions, angels, direct speech, miracles, and ultimately Christ himsel...

    However, we should not forget that this written word from our triune God did not fall from heaven all at once. Rather, it was revealed progressively over the course of history and through human hands. God’s plan of redemption was revealed through the Scriptures, but at first only in seed form. It then blossomed further as God chose to reveal how th...

    How did God breath-out the Scriptures? That may be something of a mystery, but Peter gives us a glimpse into that mystery when he says, “For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit” (2 Pet. 1:21). B. B. Warfield called this concursus, meaning there is a simultaneous oper...

    While Paul may say this much explicitly (2 Tim. 3:16), Jesus and the Gospel writers indicate the same but by his constant refrain that the Scriptures have been fulfilled in his person and work (e.g., Luke 4:21; also see Matthew’s Gospel which is full of this “fulfillment” language). The covenant promises of God in the Scriptures have been fulfilled...

  5. Jan 4, 2022 · Special revelation is how God has chosen to reveal Himself through miraculous means. Special revelation includes physical appearances of God, dreams, visions, the written Word of God, and most importantly—Jesus Christ.

  6. Jul 17, 2020 · Many religions appeal to purported divine revelations in order to explain and justify their characteristic beliefs about God, and revelation has usually been understood as an epistemic notion.

  7. Jan 1, 2008 · Along with dreams were visions as a means of revealing divine truth, in which case the word “seer” or one who sees visions became characteristic of prophetic revelation. Illustrations are Isaiah’s experience (Isa 1:1; 6:1 ), Ezekiel’s experience (Ezek 1:3), Daniel’s visions (Dan 8:1-27; 9:20-27 ; 10:1—12:13 ), and Micaiah’s vision ...

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