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  1. The Last Supper: summary. All four of the Gospels describe the Last Supper; below we follow the story of the Last Supper as it’s set out in the Gospel of Matthew 26:17-30, with occasional embellishments from the other gospels. The Last Supper takes place during the Jewish festival of Passover.

  2. grasping the meaning of the Last Supper is Jesusproclamation of the Kingdom of God. Jesus’ proclamation of God’s indiscriminate love and his gift of forgiveness was an implicit and sometimes explicit challenge to the religious traditions of the time.

  3. Apr 13, 2017 · Even though “Maundy Thursday” takes its name from mandatum, the command to “love one another” in John 13, hearing Luke’s gospel focuses our attention on Jesus’ supper with his friends. We see a very human Jesus who longed to share the Passover meal with his disciples before he suffered.

  4. Apr 1, 2021 · Last Supper Who was responsible for Jesusdeath? Christ washing the Disciples' Feet, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, Tenn. Original source.

    • The Last Supper
    • The Passover Meal
    • The Cup of Suffering
    • His Body Broken For Our Sake
    • Paul’s Communion Commands
    • Eating in An Unworthy Manner
    • Conclusion
    • Article by Jack Wellman

    The Bible never calls the Lord’s Supper the “Last Supper.” That is a human invention and likely comes from the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci where the disciples were seated with Christ and partaking of the bread and the wine during the Passover Meal. If anything, we could call it “The Passover Meal” because that’s what it was. There are so m...

    The Passover Meal was one of the most moving events in the Bible. In only a few hours, Jesus would be betrayed and turned over to the authorities and tried in an illegal court, testified against by false witnesses, and crucified for no real crime, as He was sinless and even Pontius Pilate said that he could find no fault in the Man. We read the acc...

    Notice that just before the bread and wine, they were partaking in a meal. This matches what some call the “love feast” which seems to be the idea behind Paul’s writing about this meal in 1 Corinthians chapter 11. When Jesus took the cup He stated that the cup represented His blood that was about to be shed for them and for all those who would late...

    First of all, He takes the bread and gives thanks for it. Then “he broke it and gave it to His disciples” indicating that His body was bruised, beaten, and broken for their and our sake (Isaiah 52; 53; Psalm 22). He told the disciples and tells those who are His own today to “Take and eat, this is my body.” Like the manna from heaven that came down...

    Some call it Communion, others the Lord’s Supper, and others still call it the Sacraments, while the Catholic Church calls it the Eucharist which is from the Greek noun “eucharistia” meaning “thanksgiving.” In 1 Corinthians 11:23-25 Paul follows much of what the Lord and the disciples did for the Passover meal: Paul writes that he “received [this] ...

    Paul gives a final warning to those who take this as just another meal. Many of the members of the church at Corinth used it for a party and even got drunk, while others gorged themselves leaving nothing for the poorer members of the church who ended up going hungry during the love feast. That’s why he wanted them to wait for one another before beg...

    If you are not part of the Body of Christ, many churches do not allow you to participate in the Sacraments, Eucharist, or Communion, but it is for your own good (1 Cor 11:27-31). If you are not a member of a church, I strongly suggest you join up with the Body of Christ, the church that Jesus said the gates of hell (death) would not prevail against...

    Jack Wellman is Pastor of the Mulvane Brethren church in Mulvane Kansas. Jack is also the Senior Writer at What Christians Want To Know whose mission is to equip, encourage, and energize Christians and to address questions about the believer’s daily walk with God and the Bible. You can follow Jack on Google Plusor check out his book Blind Chance or...

  5. Apr 14, 2019 · His words point forward both to the heavenly feast and to his presence among the community when they break bread together after his resurrection (Luke 24:30-35; Acts 2:42-46). Luke’s version of the last supper is distinctive, with Jesus offering a cup, then bread, then a second cup after the meal.

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  7. The Last Supper (Matthew 26:17-30) The plot to kill Jesus moves forward as Judas (one of the Twelve) goes to the religious leaders with an offer to turn him over to the temple soldiers. With events moving quickly toward crucifixion, Jesus shares a final meal with his disciples.

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