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  1. Aug 5, 2021 · Deactivate and reactivate the WiFi adapter on the PC. Deactivate and reactivate the MS WiFi Direct Virtual Adapter. None of these can solve the problem. The only thing that works is to reboot the PC, which is simply too costly and overkill, if I have to do it almost every day.

  2. Jan 10, 2022 · You need to wipe out the setup by pulling your finger up on the screen and it will disappear, or it should. Or there should be a skip button. I think you need to modify your APN settings, that's why your network does not work. On reset, it is set to by default, but very often you have a different APN offered by your provider.

  3. Apr 24, 2020 · Windows 10 Mobile hotspot studdenly stopped working: I can enable it but clients cannot connect any more: They do not net an IP address assigned. On the other hand, no connected devices show up in "Devices connected" (although the Wifi connection is established). I tried everything I could: Reset Windows Firewall. Disabled firewall completely.

    • Fix 1 – Enable Sharing of Internet
    • Fix 2 – Restart Hotspot Service
    • Fix 3 – Using WLAN Start Command
    • Fix 4 – Forget and Connect Again on The Connecting Device
    • Fix 5 – Make Sure Wifi Adapter Is Enabled
    • Fix 5 – Using Registry Editor
    • Fix 6 – by Resetting Windows Firewall.
    • Fix 7 – by Running Windows Network Troubleshooter
    • Fix 8 – by Resetting System’S Wireless Adapter
    • Fix 9 – Turning Off Windows Firewall and Antivirus

    1. Press Windows key + R together to Open runcommand box. 2. Write ncpa.cpl in it and click OK. 3. Right click on your Hotspot Network adaptor (Usually it will be named something like virtual adapter). Now, choose properties. 4. Click on sharingTab. 5. Make sure that Allow other network users top connect through …option is unchecked. 6 – Click on O...

    1 – Open RUN by hitting windowsand R key from keyboard 2 – Now, write services.msc in RUNand hit enter key. 3 – Now, Locate Windows Mobile Hotspot serviceand then double click on it 4 – Changestartup type to automatic and click startto start the service 5- Click on Apply. Now, try again

    1 – Search cmd in Windows search box and do a right click on the appearing command prompt icon and clickrun as admin. 2 – Now, run the command given below one by one Just change your ssid name and password in the above command with your SSID name & Password (Hotspot name and password)

    Go to the device where on which you are trying to connect with the hotspot (This device is different from the device on which you have created hotspot). Just Disconnect and forgetthe hotspot network once. Now, try connecting againby entering the password again.

    If you are getting error saying we can’t set up a mobile hotspot, then do this. 1 – Open RUN command box by pressing Windows and Rkey jointly from keyboard 2 -Now, type ncpa.cpl in the text box of RUN and click OKbutton 3 – Make sure Wireless adapter is enabled. if that is disabled, just right click and click enable Now, try to create hotspot again

    First of all before using this method take a backup of Registry editor by going to File > Exportin the registry editor. Now, follow the steps given below. 1. Press Windows key + r together to open run 2. Write regedit and click OK. 3. In the Registry editor , browse to the following location given below. 4. Now, delete HostedNetworkSettingskey in t...

    1. Search for “Windows security‘ in windows search bar and click the windows security icon from search result. 2. Next we need to click on the ‘Firewall & Network protection’icon from the vertical bar in the left pane. In the screen that appears we need to go to the bottom part and click on the “Restore firewalls to default‘. 3. in the next page, w...

    Troubleshooting is a option we can opt for finding and fixing issues in system.We need to follow these steps for the fix. 1. Search for “Troubleshoot settings’ in windows search bar and click on the Troubleshoot settings icon. 2. By going down the screen click on “Network Adapter” to expand it and click on “Run the troubleshooter“. Windows will aut...

    After trying out fix 1 and 2 we can try resetting system’s wireless adapter, Follow these steps. 1. Search for “Device Manager” in windows search bar and click on the device manager icon. Device manager window opens. 2. Scroll down to the “Network Adapter” and double click to expand it. Select from the list “Wireless Network Adapter” , right click ...

    Firewall and antivirus may at times prevent us from connecting to mobile hotspot. Try turning off Antivirus program by following these steps – 1. In the windows screen, right click on the antivirus program and select the disable option. 2. Check to see if problem is solved. If turning off Antivirus wont work, try turning off windows defender firewa...

  4. Jun 19, 2023 · I am able to start a mobile hotspot on windows 10 easily, so long as I have a network connection. I just switch this toggle: If you don't have a network connection, you get the following message, and they grey out the toggle, so that you cannot turn on your wifi hotspot:

  5. Apr 14, 2021 · How to Enable or Disable Mobile Hotspot in Windows 10. By default, any user can turn your Windows 10 PC into a mobile hotspot by sharing the Internet connection with other devices over Wi-Fi. Users can share a Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or cellular data connection.

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  7. When you use Mobile Hotspot mode your BlackBerry device creates a Wi-Fi network that other Wi-Fi enabled devices can connect to so that they can use the Internet through your mobile network connection.