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      • Constitutes the financial obligation of a husband toward his wife during marriage and for a time after he divorces her. While married, a husband is expected to pay for housing, food, and his wife's clothes according to her social class or their agreement at the time the marriage was contracted.
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  2. This financial support (nafaqah) is binding upon the husband throughout the marriage if the wife gives herself to him or offers to. (al-Mawsili, al-Ikhtiyar, 4/229) If the marriage unfortunately came to an end, then the woman will receive this financial support throughout the waiting period (iddah).

  3. Answer: During the period of Iddah, the divorced wife will continue to receive her regular rate of Nafaqah. Allāh Ta’ālā says, “ Provide to them (the divorced women) residence where you reside according to your means, and do not harm them in order to oppress them. And if they are pregnant, spend on them till they give birth to their child.

  4. Mar 29, 2004 · This financial support (nafaqah) is binding upon the husband throughout the marriage if the wife gives herself to him or offers to. (al-Mawsili, al-Ikhtiyar, 4/229) If the marriage unfortunately came to an end, then the woman will receive this financial support throughout the waiting period (iddah).

  5. Feb 29, 2024 · There are four main methods of separation in Islam: Talaq: This is when the husband initiates the divorce. In this instance, the husband breaks the contract and must pay the Mahr. The Mahr, also known as a dowry, is paid in full to the wife only. Khula: This is when both parties have mutually agreed to separate.

  6. Oct 7, 2022 · Answer: During the period of Iddah, the divorced wife will continue to receive her regular rate of Nafaqah. Allāh Ta’ālā says, “ Provide to them (the divorced women) residence where you reside according to your means, and do not harm them in order to oppress them. And if they are pregnant, spend on them till they give birth to their child.

  7. 1. The Nafaqah of the Mutallaqah during Iddah: What constitutes Nafaqah? How will this be calculated? 2. Islamically, can ex-wife make any other financial claim besides Sukna and Nafqah? 3. A father is required to pay Nafaqah for his child after divorce; however what exactly constitutes Nafaqah of the child?

  8. The necessity of nafaqah is one of the certain commandments of Islam. It is the right of a wife. If a husband does not pay it, it remains a debt upon him and must be paid on demand. If he refuses to pay nafaqah, an Islamic religious magistrate may divorce them at the wife’s request. Imam Muhammad Baqir (‘a) has declared:

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