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  2. The Easygoing, Self-Effacing Type: Receptive, Reassuring, Agreeable, and Complacent. Get detailed descriptions about each of the nine Enneagram types for free. Find your Enneagram Type by taking the RHETI test.

    • Take a Test

      RHETI ® test estimated time to complete: 40 minutes. IVQ...

    • The Challenger

      Type Eight Overview. We have named personality type Eight...

    • The Reformer

      Enneagram Type 1 Overview. We have named personality type...

    • The Enthusiast

      Enneagram Type 7 Overview. We have named this personality...

    • 9 The Peacemaker

      Enneagram Type Nine Overview. We have called personality...

    • Three

      We have named personality type Three The Achiever because...

    • Six

      We have named personality type Six The Loyalist because, of...

    • Two

      Enneagram Type 2 Overview. We have named personality type...

    • 1w2 and 1w9. Type Two: The Helper. Enneagram type Twos, or the "Helpers," are characterized by a need to be needed and serve others. They are friendly, loving, and eager to help other people but can often wind up ignoring their own needs in the process.
    • 2w1 and 2w3. Type Three: The Achiever. When it comes to Type Threes, also known as the "Achievers," this Enneagram type is all about what they can do in the world to receive recognition.
    • 3w2 and 3w4. Type Four: The Individualist. Type Fours, or the "Individualists," according to the Enneagram system, are independent and free-spirited, but this also means they often feel misunderstood by everyone else.
    • 4w3 and 4w5. Type Five: The Investigator. In the Enneagram, Type Fives, or the "Investigators," are inquisitive, analytical, and pretty reclusive.
    • Overview
    • How the Enneagram System Works
    • Enneagram Types
    • Uses of the Enneagram
    • Impact of the Enneagram
    • Sample Enneagram Test Questions
    • Tips for Using Enneagram Test Results
    • Potential Pitfalls of the Enneagram
    • History of the Enneagram

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    The Enneagram is a typology system that describes human personality as a number of interconnected personality types. While it has become popular within spirituality and business disciplines, there has been limited research on the use of Enneagram types and it is not widely accepted in the field of evidence-based psychology.

    The Enneagram consists of a nine-point diagram in which each point represents a personality type. The Enneagram figure or diagram is made up of three elements. The outer part is a circle, which then contains a triangle and an irregular hexagon.

    At its simplest, the Enneagram represents nine different personality types. Beyond these basic nine personality types, the system grows much more complex and includes 27 different subtypes, as well as three key "centers" focused on action, feeling, and thinking.

    At a Glance

    As is the case with any personality type system or categorization, it's important to always take your results with a big grain of salt. While interesting to consider, the Enneagram is not based on established psychological science and, similar to astrology, should merely be used as a tool for self-reflection and not determination.

    Each of the nine personality types is characterized by a set of dominant behaviors, motivations, and fears. The goal of this system is to better understand your Enneagram type so that you’ll be able to make the most of your strengths and address your weaknesses in order to achieve your full potential.

    1. Reformer

    This Enneagram type: Is highly principled Can be judgmental and uncompromising Is perfectionistic, purposeful, and self-controlled Strives for integrity Fears corruption Has a strong sense of what is the “right” and “wrong” way to do things

    2. Helper

    This Enneagram type: Is generous and people-pleasing Has a strong desire to be loved, sometimes denying their own needs to make others happy Puts a lot of energy into their relationships, which is sometimes interpreted as neediness Is genuine Is a good listener Tends to overlook their own needs

    3. Achiever

    This Enneagram type: Is successful, adaptable, and hardworking May sometimes be an overachiever or workaholic Is driven to excel Is image-conscious Is adaptable Is more focused on success than feelings, but good at communicating

    Possible Applications of the Enneagram

    Personal growth and development Interpersonal communication, team building, and leadership development Creating successful relationships at work and in other life areas While the Enneagram theory needs further research to validate its use, it has gained some popularity as a tool for building better relationships. By gaining insight into individual strengths and weaknesses, people can look for ways to better relate and communicate with their partners. The Enneagram is sometimes used within the field of industrial-organizational psychology to help improve employee motivation and productivity. Businesses utilize the test to help their employees gain a greater understanding of group dynamics and interpersonal communication. The Enneagram test has also become popular on social media as people share more about their results and explore their strengths and weaknesses.

    While critics note that the system is rooted more in a semi-mystical ancient philosophy than in scientifically valid research, there is some evidence that the Enneagram has some use as a personality tool:

    •A study published in the Journal of Adult Development found that participants who took part in an Enneagram training program showed improvements in ego development and personal growth.

    •A year-long investigation carried out in 2004 by researchers Saville and Holdsworth found that the Enneagram was comparable to other well-known and more accepted theories, including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Big Five.

    •One case study published in the journal Contemporary Family Therapy suggested that the Enneagram could be a useful tool within the context of counseling, helping to facilitate therapy and promote awareness in the counseling relationship.

    Some Enneagram tests involve answering questions based on a sliding scale where "1" means that you disagree and "5" means that you agree. Examples of these types of questions include:

    •It is important that others like me.

    •I strive for perfection.

    •I feel emotions deeply.

    •Others will never understand me.

    •It is important to me to avoid pain and suffering at all costs.

    The Enneagram has become better-known thanks, in part, to the rising popularity of online personality tests. Because the Enneagram addresses faults and weaknesses as well as strengths, it is often thought of as a tool for self-analysis and self-improvement. By recognizing these areas, people can work toward becoming more self-aware and achieving greater self-actualization.

    There are a few important things you should remember when taking any personality test, the Enneagram test included:

    •Personality is complex and a simple online test is not enough to tell you everything about your personality, motivations, behaviors, strengths, and weaknesses.

    •Such tests can be fun and interesting but be careful not to take your results too seriously.

    •A personality test can be a way to gain insight into your own personality and might be a starting point for gaining greater personal insight and self-awareness.

    If you are interested in learning your Enneagram types, the Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI) can be found on the Enneagram Institute's website. You can purchase a single-use code for $12 to take the test.

    There are a few pitfalls to consider when it comes to the Enneagram and Enneagram types.

    •The Enneagram has gained popularity in some areas but has also been criticized for being pseudoscientific. It is often described as being overly vague and difficult to test scientifically.

    •Enneagram type descriptions have been criticized for being too general, almost Barnum-effect style statements that can sometimes seem more like horoscopes rather than empirically tested descriptions of personality. (The Barnum effect is a psychological phenomenon in which people rate personality descriptions as being highly accurate and individualized, even when they are so vague they can apply to almost anyone).

    •Not everyone agrees on how the system works. Some Enneagram theorists believe that personality is composed of a dominant type and one adjacent wing, while other theorists suggest that there are two wings. The official Enneagram site suggests that this is an area in need of further research.

    The origins of the Enneagram are something of a mystery. It may date back to the time of the ancient Greeks, although its exact history is disputed. It is a synthesis of several different spiritual traditions, including elements of Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism.

    A philosopher and mystic by the name of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff is credited with bringing the Enneagram figure to the attention of the world, although he did not use it to categorize personality types. Oscar Ichazo, the founder of a school for human potential and self-development, assigned different personality types to each of the nine positions in the Enneagram diagram.

    Later, psychiatrist Claudio Naranjo expanded the theory to expand the nine types in psychological terms.

    Reasons to Learn More About Your Personality

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    Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  3. This free Enneagram personality test will show you which of the 9 personality types suit you best. See how you score for all 9 Enneagram types, and understand where you fit in the Enneagram personality system. Clinically Reviewed by Dr. Steven Melendy, PsyD.

    • The Reformer. You’re rational, idealistic, and a bit of a perfectionist. And people often describe you as principled and purposeful. Because you’re disciplined and have high moral regard, you’re a natural teacher.
    • The Helper. You’re generous, caring, and want to please others. But your empathy and friendliness sometimes cause you to sacrifice your needs. To gain fulfillment from your community-minded personality while also self-advocating, evaluate whether your interpersonal relationships are mutually beneficial.
    • The Achiever. You’re adaptable, confident, and pragmatic. But your drive for success can transform your type-A personality into workaholism. To maintain a healthy work-life balance and retain meaningful relationships, remember to fill your own cup by taking free time and watching for signs of burnout.
    • The Individualist. You’re sensitive, introspective, and introverted, with a flair for the creative. Following your passion and developing work that reflects your personal identity are intrinsic motivators that drive you forward.
  4. The Enneagram of Personality, or simply the Enneagram, is a model of the human psyche which is principally understood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected personality types.

  5. Jun 25, 2024 · The individualist. The investigator. The loyalist. The enthusiast. The challenger. The peacemaker. Summary. The Enneagram is a tool that defines nine personality types....

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