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  2. Oct 21, 2021 · The 9 Ennead Egyptian Gods and Goddesses. 1. Atumthe Creator God. Atum was the first god who spontaneously emerged from the waters of Nun onto the first mound of dirt. That dirt was the first in the world, and from it and Atum, all life and all other gods sprung.

  3. › wiki › EnneadEnnead - Wikipedia

    The Ennead or Great Ennead was a group of nine deities in Egyptian mythology worshipped at Heliopolis: the sun god Atum; his children Shu and Tefnut; their children Geb and Nut; and their children Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys.

  4. The Great Ennead was a grouping of nine (sometimes 10) gods of ancient Egypt. Each was descended from the creator god, Atum, and the group included him, his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

  5. The Ennead (derived from the Greek word for nine) are the nine ancient Egyptian Gods and Godesses associated with the creation myths of Heliopolis (Iunu) in Lower Egypt. In the beginning, there was nothing ( Nun ). A mound of earth rose from Nun and upon it Atum (later Amun or Re) created himself.

    • Ra. He is the supreme manifestation of the sun god in Heliopolis and a highly significant figure in the Egyptian pantheon. It is said that he emerged from a primordial mound rising from the waters of Nun and embarked on the act of creation.
    • Geb. Geb is the Egyptian god of the earth and the brother and husband of the goddess Nut. He is the eldest son of Shu and Tefnut, the gods of air and moisture, respectively.
    • Nut. Nut is the Egyptian goddess of the sky and the twin sister of the earth god Geb. When she defied the sun god Ra by marrying her brother, Ra became extremely angry and instructed Shu to separate the couple.
    • Shu. Shu is the Egyptian god of air and the husband of the first divine couple. His name is sometimes translated as “Emptiness” or “He Who Rises Up.” Shu was born when the supreme sun god, under the name Ra-Atum, coughed or sneezed and ejected him from his mouth.
  6. Aug 22, 2021 · The Ennead gods were predominantly worshiped in Heliopolis, a major religious center of ancient Egypt. The city is located in present-day Ayn Shams, Cairo. It’s been stated that the priests at Heliopolis came out with the grouping in an attempt to make Atum the chief deity of the Egyptian pantheon.

  7. One of the most popular creation myths featured the Ennead, a group of nine ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses. Atum was thought to be the first god and creator of the world and from Atum the Ennead were born.

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