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      • Poetry is defined as a type of literature or artistic writing that tries to appeal to the reader’s emotions and imagination through a variety of different poetic techniques. The poet uses a combination of rhythm, word choice, sounds, rhymes, structure and more to create a piece of writing that stirs the reader’s feelings.
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    • Ghazal. Length: Minimum of 10 lines. Stanzas: Couplets. Metrical requirements: All lines must have the same number of syllables. Rhyme Scheme: Both lines of the first couplet end with the same word.
    • Sestina. Length: 39 Lines. Stanzas: 6 sestets and 1 tercet. Metrical requirements: None. Rhyme scheme: None. Rather, emphasis is placed on the last words of each line, which are repeated throughout the poem and then reused to form the final tercet.
    • Haiku. Length: 17 syllables divided into 3 lines, following the pattern 5-7-5. Stanzas: One tercet. Metrical requirements: None. Rhyme scheme: None. The haiku hails from Japan, though a lot has been lost-in-translation between Japanese haikus and English-language haikus.
    • Tanka. Length: 31 syllables divided into 5 lines, following the pattern 5-7-5-7-7. Stanzas: 1 quintain. Metrical requirements: None. Rhyme scheme: None. Many Western writers erroneously compare the tanka to the haiku.
  2. Introduction This page describes what various accentual-syllabic forms LOOK like. The descriptions below say almost nothing about the significance of each form, and yet poets often choose a form not because of how it looks but because of where it originated and how it has been traditionally used.

    • Acrostic. This poetic form spells out a word in a vertical line, most commonly using the initial letter from each line. This popular primary-school exercise dates back hundreds of years, with even the Ancient Greeks and Romans trying their hands at acrostic poetry.
    • Ballad. The ballad tells a story, typically in a series of quatrains with an ABAB or ABCB rhyming scheme. Expect thrills and spills, with a plotline, characters and a ‘proper’ ending.
    • Blank verse. Blank verse is best known as Shakespeare’s format of choice. It’s made up from unrhymed iambic pentameter. This is a 10-syllable line with every other syllable stressed (say the opening line from Sonnet 18 in your head to get the idea of the rhythm: “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”).
    • Canzone. Canzone means “song” in Italian. This poetic form dates back to medieval Italy, where it was used by writers including Petrarch and Dante before evolving into the sonnet.
  3. Cinquain A cinquain is a poetic form that makes use of a pattern of five lines. Closed Form The term “closed form” in literature refers to poems that use a closed, specific structure or pattern. This includes poems written in the form of a sonnet, villanelle, haiku, limerick, and more.

    • Poetry Form Definition
    • Sub-Forms in Literature
    • Examples of Forms in Literature
    • Related Literary Terms
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    A form is the structure of a literary work. All writing has a form, whether written for an academic publication, for publication as a novel, or for one’s personal enjoyment. For example, an author might choose to write a poem in the form of a sonnet, such as a Shakespearean sonnet with the traditional rhyme scheme of ABABCDCDEFEFGG and an iambic pe...

    In literature, there are many sub-forms. These are versions of the previously discussed forms, like poems, short stories, and novels, that tell readers more about the text. Some sub-forms of poems are listed below: 1. Narrative: contains all the elements of a story and is normally longer than average. 2. Ballad: a kind of verse, sometimes narrative...

    The One Girl at the Boy’s Party by Sharon Olds

    ‘The One Girl at the Boy’s Party’ is a contemporary poem written by Sharon Olds. It is a great example of a poem written in block form. This refers to a specific feature Olds employed throughout the twenty-two-line piece. The poem is contained within one stanza with no line breaks. It is also written in the form of free verse. This means that it does not make use of a specific rhyme scheme or metrical pattern. Here are a few lines. Discover more Sharon Olds poems.

    To a Mouse by Robert Burns

    ‘To a Mouse’ is an example of a poem that uses a specific stanza form. That is the Burns stanza. This means that it: 1. Has six lines 2. Uses the rhymesscheme of AAABAB 3. Uses metered lines of tetrameter and dimeter. The stanza form is named after Scottish poet Robert Burns who popularized its use. Here are a few lines: Read more Robert Burns poems.

    Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Reflections of Early Childhood by William Wordsworth

    This well-loved William Wordsworth poem is written in the form of an ode. This means that it was crafted to celebrate something or was written in dedication to something. In this case, The poet is looking back on the past, remembering a time in which the natural world pleased his spirit and eased his heart. Here are a few lines: Odesare also divided into other sub-forms. The most common are: 1. Pindaric 2. Horatian 3. Irregular Wordsworth’s ode is an example of a Pindaric ode. This ode form:...

    Read: Everything You Need to Know about Rhyme Schemes in Poetry
    Listen: 12 Poetic Forms You Should Try
    Watch: The Pleasure of Poetic Pattern
  4. Sep 2, 2022 · Human poetry dates back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. Since that time, the artform has continued to evolve, taking on different forms to serve a wide range of artistic intentions. From sonnets and epics to haikus and villanelles, here are some of history’s most enduring poetic forms.

  5. Feb 13, 2024 · The characteristics of a poem, which consist of its line length, number of stanzas, rhyme scheme, and metric pattern, determine its form. The following list identifies the most common types of poetry:

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