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  1. Episode 17 has Laval willingly enter exile for stealing an Orb of Golden CHI. He's later allowed out of it due to necessity, but episode 18 ends with the falls on Mount Cavora beginning to dry up (later revealed to actually be blocked up with spider webs), which only Crug notices before he dismisses it.

    • YMMV

      Fandom Rivalry: At first, a pretty rough one began between...

    • Trivia

      No Export for You: After much hassle about whether they...

    • Awesome

      The Speedor charge in episode 20, also doubles as a...

    • WMG

      The Legends Beasts were effected by the CHIJust because they...

    • Funny

      Laval initially refuses because the sap makes Skinnit loopy,...

    • TearJerker

      The scene where Laval is leaving in episode 17 does this...

    • Laconic

      A World of Funny Animals and their war for CHI. A page for...

    • Recap

      Fake Chi, Real Trouble; Ravens Vs Eagles; Reunion Gone...

  2. “Finally, I call upon Laval, the son of Lord Lagravis. Step forward, My Lord.” The people cheered once again, and Laval felt elated. This was the feeling he craved; he loved being adored. He made a show of waving his mane as he stepped forward. “Today, you are a man,” repeated Grizzam.

    • Overview
    • Description
    • Weapons
    • Background
    • Notes
    • Appearances

    Cragger is a Legends of Chima minifigure released in 2013. He is initially the main antagonist of the theme, but is not truly evil. He appears in some 2014 sets, except, freed from his evil sister's control, he is now the deuteragonist of the theme.

    Cragger has small golden armour with a transparent flat blue stud (CHI), which is absent in the show. He has a red torn up cape. His head mould is earth green on top and olive green on the bottom with lots of jagged teeth. His left eye lacks any features and has a large scar around it, indicating he is half-blind. His arms are olive green but his hands are dark green. Cragger's torso is scaly with muscles and red straps shaped like an X and in the middle of his torso there is a circle of CHI, which is blocked by his harness in the sets, but appears in the show. He has red straps continuing onto his legs. The bottom of his feet are printed with claws.

    In the Outlands variant, Cragger's head and arms are the same, but similarities stop there. In order to prepare for the Outlands, Cragger has on Lavertus's new armor. His chestpiece is gray, he has a metal chest place with CHI in the center, secured by multiple straps. The back is the same, but instead of CHI, it has a very faint symbol of the heroes from the original wave. Cragger has also discarded his cape. He has a metal belt, and underneath is the red straps, with metal straps, and knee pads with Crocodile symbols on each leg. Knees down, the legs are the same as the original model. He also has armor, but this time, it's silver, and much more bulky, covering almost his entire chestpiece, and has a transparent blue stud, which is his CHI.

    Cragger's weapon of choice in the show's first season as well as one set is the Vengdualize. The Vengdualize is a dual-sided golden chainsaw with massive blades and a short but beautifully detailed handle. It is in the shape of a crocodiles' jaws, and has red lasers in the middle when being used. Cragger carried it with him at all times, and uses it for combat, usually against Laval. In Season 2 he no longer uses it, preferring the Scale Ripper, although it is mounted on the head of the Crocodile Legend Beast, his main mode of transportation. He reuses it in season 3, once again as his main weapon, although it now has orange lasers.

    In Season Two, Queen Crunket gave him his father's Scale Ripper, a complex weapon which has a rectangular prism base, two silver blades sticking out of the sides that can be used for combat, dual CHI cylinders with green studs on the side, and two blue cones on the end that shoot dual blue lasers at foes. He uses it instead of his Vengualize in Season 2, as it has blades and is also a long range weapon, having more diversity and usefulness than his original sword. He also uses it in his only other early 2014 set, Scorm's Scorpion Stinger, to combat Scorm, the King of Scorpions and leader of the dark tribes.

    Although these are Cragger's main weapons, he has many more weapons in his arsenal. Before he got his trademark Vengdualize, he used a small normal wooden sword. In the Ultimate Speedor Tournament, he uses the Vengious which is a silver version of the Vengdulize, but with only 1 sword, and a simple mace known as the Gronk. In the Croc Swamp Hideout, he uses the Grandourious, which has the exact same chainsaw as the Vengious, but has a longer handle, which has an axe attached. In the show, he carries a small gun that shoots Croc Flares, which sets off a full armed battle. He also uses his tail as a weapon, which proved to be useful for catching enemies off guard.

    He also uses the Vengious again in the Crocodile Legend Beast set, but this time it's golden with a Blue Laser, calling it the Royal Vengious, showing how he has turned good. In the later 2014 sets, the Royal Vengious is reborn as the Vengblaze, and it has a red, fiery blade instead of a laser. However, he also uses the Fyreclaw, a powerful three clawed weapon with a Fire CHI orb in the center.

    Cragger was very competitive from the start. He was best friends with the prince of the Lion tribe, Laval, and the two played together for much of their younger years. However, Cragger and Laval sneaked into the room containing the pool of CHI, an extremely powerful energy source on Chima. Due to its potency, only those of a certain age were allowed to tap into it's raw energy. Still youthful and therefore not permitted to use it, Cragger's curiosity got the better of him and he placed an orb of Chi in his chest. Unprepared as he was for the effects of the energy, Cragger was overwhelmed by the power. After the power wore off, Worriz questioned him about the chi and Cragger tried to sneak into the Lion Temple again with Worriz. He was once again caught by the lions, while Worriz fled. When escaping, he set off a croc flare, which initiated an all-out war. He went to the Fangs, a dangerous place that Laval knew. The two had a talk, and it ended in Cragger apologizing for the Croc Flare, which Laval was unaware of. Cragger tries to talk to his parents, but to no avail. In the end, Cragger's parents fall off a cliff, and Cragger becomes king. Cragger knew that the lions were innocent, but his evil sister Crooler wanted him to destroy the lions, and gave him his father's golden helmet.

    In episode 2: The Great Story, Crooler takes control of a depressed Cragger by using a Persuader Plant on him, and he declared war on the lions. After almost killing Laval after a Speedor tournament, Eris and Gorzan saved Laval. He retreats to get allies of his own and teamed up with the Wolves, who hated the lions, and Ravens, who were bribed by him. Cragger's plan was to launch a massive attack against the lions during Laval's age of becoming ceremony (while having Plovar inconveniently come during his speech). The attack worked well, and while Cragger's allies crippled the lions' defenses, Cragger stole some Chi and made a run for it, with Laval in hot pursuit. Laval wins and tries to finish him, before he realizes that it's Cragger. After a lecture on peace, harmony, and Chi, Cragger throws Laval into a creek and steals back his stolen Chi. Even with the Eagles and Gorillas, the Lions are no match for the Crocodile forces. The effects of the flower wear of, and Cragger realizes that he's done something horrible to his best friend, and tries to save him, but is sprayed with the flower again. However, Laval comes back with a Legend Beast, shocking everyone. Cragger plugs an orb of Chi into his harness, but is swatted away, and is forced to retreat.

    In episode 3, The Warrior Within, Crooler has seemingly took complete control over Cragger's mind, with him only questioning her statements when the effect wears off. He first comes in at the Lion Chi temple with his sister, asking for Chi. Despite Laval still being hostile, Lagravis still gives him the Chi, as it is the rule. Laval comes after them while they're leaving in his Command Ship, and warns them about their Chi usage. After Crawley is swatted away, and Crug is losing against Laval, Cragger gives Laval all of his Chi, with Crug bearing witness. He then broadcasts that the Lions stole their Chi, and will never give them any more, in front of his entire tribe. Laval and Eris come back to give the Chi back, but Cragger mumbles threats to them, (that his tribe can't hear) which forces Laval to scream "YOU'RE NEVER GETTING OUR CHI!", in front of all the crocodiles, making them hate him even more. Laval throws their Chi down the Fangs, and keeps one to fight off their army. However, Cragger pushes him over, only for Laval to be saved by Eris' Eagle Intercepter. Cragger then sent a message to Razar and Worriz to come and attack Laval with their armies, but because Gorzan was protecting a flower on the road, they couldn't come. When Laval goes to find the Legend Beast, Cragger cuts him off, and reveals that he still had an orb of Chi, which he uses. When everything heats up, Plovar comes in, annoying Cragger, Laval, and all of the Crocs. When they throw weapons at him and force him to leave, Cragger's forces and his Chi overwhelm Laval, until an army of Eagles and Lions come in to save him. Because their allies were held back, Cragger had to retreat. However, Crooler comes up with another brilliant plan, thinking that the lions only have allies because they control the Chi.

    But failed scheme after failed scheme, Crooler begins to lose faith in Cragger. After losing to the Gorillas and Lions in his own swamp, Crooler deems him useless, and switches her loyalties. Although the persuader plant didn't work on Worriz, and he still had loyalties to Cragger due to the Pledge of the Pack, Crooler managed to strike a deal with him by promising the destruction of the Pledge of the Pack. By using Furty, Crooler spread rumors in the Speedor race, that caused a riot and fighting ensued. Cragger manages to catch the Wolves and Crooler sneaking in, and follows them too see that they're successfully stealing the CHI, without him! Enraged, Cragger began to fight the wolves, but was shocked when Crooler sided with them. Thankfully, Laval, Eris, and Rogon enter the scene and help him fight. Laval and Cragger fight side by side, and their friendship is somewhat rekindled. In the process, Cragger also finally realizes that Crooler was pulling his strings with the persuader plant, but sadly, the wolves escape with the CHI.

    Although Cragger was finally freed from evil, only Laval trusted him, while Lagravis and the Eagles had no trust in him whatsoever, since they didn't know that Crooler was pulling his strings, and thought that he did it out of his own free will. However, Cragger was no longer the threat, with the wolves and their CHI stealing habits being for more dangerous. After being affected with a tiny persuader plant, Cragger starts a war with the wolves that he couldn't win, and he was imprisoned. Thankfully, Crooler had a bell, which made the wolves do whatever he wanted. The wolves were tempted to kill him, but due to Lagravis having Skinnet as a spy, they couldn't mistreat them or else they'll be in serious trouble. They planned to kill them when they had enough power to defeat the Lions and their allies after another raid, so that no one could stop them. Laval still decides to rescue them the night before Lagravis made his decision for a rescue, and he "succeeds," only because the wolves let him win.

    Cragger and Laval rekindle their friendship after they stop a fake CHI dealing from Reegull, and almost sign a treaty to never fight. But Crooler throws a persuader plant into a fire and makes the Fog of Destiny. Cragger believes that his destiny is to rule Chima, and is turned evil again. On the bright side, Crooler is finally put in her place, and is locked in the dungeon for the rest of the season. What's more, is that with Laval in exile for stealing the golden CHI, Cragger orders Ripnik to steal all of his stuff, leading Lagravis into a trap, where he imprisons him. However, Laval trades him the pledge of the pack for his father's freedom, which he accepts. It also had writing from his father, saying "make us proud miracle baby", which is what they called him at a young age.

    •All of Cragger's main weapons are a play on the word "Vengeance". This is still a trend, despite his parents having been saved. It must be noted that Vengius is the name of the basic crocodile blade, so while the original pun has lost it's meaning, use of it is still reasonable.

    •In the cartoon, Cragger's head ridges are red. However, this is not the case for his minifigures; their head ridges are consistently the same shade of green as the rest of his scalp.

    •It would seem that Cragger is still unaware about Crooler's use of Persuader Plants to control him.

    •He seemed to briefly realize it at one point, but apparently forgot about it.

    •At ten sets, Cragger appears the most in the theme.

    •On some of the last episodes in season 1, when ever Cragger goes mad in control, Laval sometimes does something nice, Cragger's red glowing eyes disappears and he can be reasonable

    •70006 Cragger's Command Ship

    •70014 The Croc Swamp Hideout

    •70115 Ultimate Tournament

    •70010 The Lion Chi Temple

    •70126 Crocodile Legend Beast

    •70132 Scorm's Scorpion Stinger

  3. Laval initially refuses because the sap makes Skinnit loopy, but realizes that's exactly what he needs to have happen and tells Skinnit he can eat all of the sap. The scene cuts to the Crocodile guards getting distracted by Skinnit bouncing off the walls.

  4. Jul 26, 2023 · The song expresses a strong disapproval and disdain towards individuals associated with "chi chi man," a term used to refer to gay or effeminate men in Jamaican Patois.

  5. Oct 29, 2013 · Laval was banished from the tribe because remember when he stole the golden orb in episode 16? Before he leaves, Rogon gives him a rock named “Chip”. Laval goes all the way to the top of Spiral Mountain.

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  7. Cragger undercover steals Lavals Chi, which was hit and escapes during the attack, along with the chi from the pool. Laval pursues Cragger in his Speedor, where he leads into a showdown. Laval manages to defeat Cragger, but before he attacks the punch, he recognizes Cragger.

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