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  1. The 36 Volumes of the Book of Heaven by Luisa Piccarreta. Luisa’s 36 volumes may be divided into three groups of twelve volumes: The first 12 volumes of Luisa’s Book of Heaven corresponds to Jesus’ Passion and work of Redemption.

  2. Includes: Hours of the Passion, Virgin Mary in the Book of Heaven, meditations, Luisa’s autobiography, Divine Will Rosary, Luisa’s letters to her confessor and others and more. Click for Free Online Audio Version - Book of Heaven.

  3. January 4, 1924 – The words of Jesus in the Garden: “Not my will, but Yours be done.” In this way He established with His Celestial Father the contract of the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth. 73

  4. Time Line in the life of Luisa Piccarreta. APRIL 23 is THE BIRTHDAY AND BAPTISMAL ANNIVERSARY OF THE SERVANT OF GOD. Saints in the Divine Will – by Don Sergio Pellegrini. #1 Luisa and what it Means to Live in Divine Will. #2 Luisa and what it means to Live in the Divine Will. #3 Luisa and what it means to Live in the Divine Will.

  5. Summary. On the sixth day of Creation, God created ‘man’ in the form of Adam, moulding him from ‘the dust of the ground’ (Genesis 2:7), breathing the breath of life into Adam’s nostrils. God then planted a garden ‘eastward in Eden’ (2:8), containing both the tree of life and ‘the tree of knowledge of good and evil’ (2:9).

  6. Feb 25, 2016 · How, in Heaven, in the feasts of the Virgin they celebrate the Divine Will. ..... 118 December 12, 1926 – Lament of Jesus in His Passion, in seeing His garments being divided, and lots drawn for His tunic. How Adam, before sinning, was clothed with light,

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  8. Heaven lowers Itself and the earth rises to exchange the kiss of Peace. The Love of God in Manifesting the Truth. How everything becomes Life. How all created things are members of Jesus. Varieties of Love. 85

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