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  1. Jan 4, 2020 · We can use user-defined table type to declare table-valued parameters for stored procedures or functions, or to declare table variables that we want to use in a batch or in the body of a stored procedure or function. Syntax. Create Type tablename as Table ( col1 datatype1, col2 datatype2, . . . )

  2. Steps. Create a query, make it a "Pass Through" query, and set up its "ODBC Connect Str" property to connect to the remote database. Write the pass through query, something like SELECT RemoteId From RemoteTable and give your pass through query a name, maybe PassThroughQuery.

    • What Is A SQL Server Synonym
    • Microsoft SQL Synonym Points of Interest
    • What Is The Purpose of A Synonym
    • Modifying A Table Via Its Synonym
    • Checking For Synonyms
    • Wrap Up

    In Microsoft SQL Server, a synonym is an alias or alternative name for a database objectsuch as a table, view, user-defined function, stored procedure, etc. You can createor drop a synonym, but there is no option to modify an existing synonym.

    A synonym must be given a unique name, much like other database objects.
    A synonym cannot be a base object for another synonym.
    A synonym cannot reference a user-defined aggregate function.
    A synonym cannot be modified or rename the object. It must be dropped and re-created.

    There are several reasons you should create synonyms for your database objects.One reason you should use synonyms is to mask your object's actual locationand name, whether that object is a table, view, stored procedure, etc. This maskingwith a synonym offers a significant level of security. After all, the primary objectiveof a DBA is to "protect th...

    In this section, we will create the table previously discussed and name it "HumanResourcesEmployee."Next, we'll assign it a synonym and insert data into the table using the synonym,not the full table name. Before adding data, we should assign the synonym "Employee" to thetable "HumanResourcesEmployee." Now that we have built our table and assigned ...

    It is essential to ensure that synonyms are unique. There are a couple ofoptions to list existing synonyms to guarantee uniqueness.

    In this tutorial, we learned what a synonym is, how to create a synonym and howto drop a synonym. We also discussed the benefits of using synonyms and some ofthe pitfalls to avoid when using a synonym. We also learned that synonyms provide a layer of abstraction and protect theclient application in case of a name change or location change to the ba...

  3. Jun 14, 2022 · Use the CREATE TABLE statement to define a new table and its fields and field constraints. If NOT NULL is specified for a field, new records are required to have valid data in that field. A CONSTRAINT clause establishes various restrictions on a field, and can be used to establish the primary key.

  4. Apr 2, 2023 · User-defined tables represent tabular information. They are used as parameters when you pass tabular data into stored procedures or user-defined functions. User-defined tables cannot be used to represent columns in a database table.

  5. Feb 28, 2023 · You can access user-defined type (UDT) functionality in Microsoft SQL Server from the Transact-SQL language by using regular query syntax. UDTs can be used in the definition of database objects, as variables in Transact-SQL batches, in functions and stored procedures, and as arguments in functions and stored procedures.

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  7. An Access table contains all the data in a database. Learn more about creating and modifying tables in Microsoft Access.

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