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  1. Capricorn · December 22 - January 19

    • Today's horoscope for Capricorn

      Your domestic life is better than usual for some small reason, maybe sweet harmony with family, maybe an unexpected new configuration of furniture. Whatever it is, enjoy it to the fullest!

    • This week's horoscope for Capricorn

      This week, you complete something important. The week begins on Sunday, September 8, with Mercury entering the sign of Virgo. Mercury will remain in Virgo until September 26. During this time, you become more aware that knowledge is power. You also realize that some of the information you’re taking in might not be very beneficial to you. ...

    • This month's horoscope for Capricorn

      Forging A New Path  This is a philosophical time for you, Capricorn, with the sun spending most of its time in your 9th house of philosophy, higher learning, spirituality and long distance travel. You're expanding your horizons so that you can move forward in the world. You’re on the dawn of a new era since Pluto retrogrades back into you...
