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  1. Pre-Columbian transoceanic contact theories are speculative theories which propose that visits to the Americas, interactions with the Indigenous peoples of the Americas, or both, were made by people from elsewhere prior to Christopher Columbus's first voyage to the Caribbean in 1492 .

  2. Pre-Columbian transoceanic contact theories are speculative theories which propose that visits to the Americas, interactions with the Indigenous peoples of the Americas, or both, were made by people from elsewhere prior to Christopher Columbus's first voyage to the Caribbean in 1492.

  3. In an article about to appear in Pre-Columbiana, anthropologist William Smole (2001) makes a persuasive circumstantial case for Southeast Asian domesticate’s pre-Columbian use in South and Middle America.

    • Stephen Jett
  4. Apr 1, 2003 · This conclusion is reinforced by the discovery of the occurrence of residues of THC from Asian-origin hashish in a number of pre-Columbian Peruvian mummies (Parsche, Balabanova, & Pirsig...

  5. Worlds before 1492 indicate there were early contacts between hemispheres, resulting in the civilizations influencing each other. Stephen C. Jett. My topic today is an attempt to address the question, How can. we explain the existence of striking similarities between certain.

  6. Oct 10, 2019 · Geographers, historians, anthropologists, archaeologists and others long intrigued by the possibility of pre-Columbian New World contact (PCNWC) have long been frustrated. The idea that non-Western Europeans reached the Americas prior to Columbus bordered on heresy in the Eurocentric mind.

  7. A review of the circumstances of this discovery did not demonstrate any sign of possible post-Columbian intrusion and permits the acceptance of the object as the first hard evidence from Mesoamerica to support pre-Hispanic transoceanic contacts between the Old and New Worlds. The issue of pre-Columbian transoceanic contacts between the Old

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