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  1. 1 day ago · September 11, 2024. Early today, there can be a conflict between your indulgent and responsible sides, dear Gemini, as Venus and Saturn form an awkward angle. Unfortunately, neither come out a clear winner! Your need for affection is stronger than usual, which can be at the root of your desire to pamper yourself or do something different.

  2. 1 day ago · The following conventions are used: Cognates are in general given in the oldest well-documented language of each family, although forms in modern languages are given for families in which the older stages of the languages are poorly documented or do not differ significantly from the modern languages.

  3. 2 hours ago · Aries Tomorrow. 11-09-2024. You need to be very cautious today, says Ganesha. The results of a lot of hard work over a long time may be undone by one impulsive decision. After a stressful morning, you could just wish to spend time with children, playing their childish games..

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