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  1. British Heart Foundation. Find out how to donate in memory or pay in funeral donations to the BHF. This can be done online, by post or by phone, or by creating a tribute page and sharing pictures and memories with loved ones.

  2. BHF funds the science that saves lives. Your donation helps us discover new ways to beat heart diseases. Enter your postcode and locate your nearest branch of the British Heart Foundation. Find our offices, charity shops, heart clubs, CPR training centres and more.

  3. You can donate to us by bank transfer, post, online or phone. Choose the method that's right for you and help us fund groundbreaking research. Jump straight to: Donate online. Donate by bank transfer. Donate monthly by text. Donate by phone. Donate by post.

  4. Donate in memory and help us continue to provide our support and services, including our cholesterol helpline, for people affected by high cholesterol.

  5. Set up an online funeral page where people can leave messages and donations in memory of your loved one. We can also send you resources for cash donations on the day such as collection boxes and envelopes.

  6. Collect donations in their memory. Messages and donations from family and friends can bring comfort as they honour the life of your loved one. Mark occasions and raise money.

  7. British Heart Foundation. In 2018, Dignity raised £218,000 for its corporate charity, the British Heart Foundation, and has raised £448,000 since January 2017. Fundraising initiatives include sponsored walks, marathons and skydives; selling lapel badges; football events, raffles, carol services and numerous cake sales and coffee mornings.

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