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  1. Apr 21, 2013 · Alfonso was born on the 24 November 1273 in Bayonne (Gascony) as his parents journeyed home from crusade upon receiving the news that King Henry III was dead. This made Alfonso the third male child of the couple to have survived into infancy and then childhood.

  2. Alphonso or Alfonso (24 November 1273 – 19 August 1284), also called Alphonsus and Alphonse and styled Earl of Chester, was an heir apparent to the English throne who never became king. Alphonso was the ninth child of King Edward I of England and his Castilian wife Eleanor.

  3. The first Templar to arrive in the Iberian Peninsula was during the reign of Alfonso I. This king, who had grown up among French knights, who grew up alongside the fighters of the first Crusades, welcomed them with enthusiasm.

  4. Alfonso was the second son of King Ferdinand I and his wife Sancha; he was educated by Raimundo, later the bishop of Palencia, and by Pedro Ansúrez, the count of Carrión. On his death in 1065, Ferdinand left to Alfonso the kingdom of Leon together with tribute paid by the Muslim kingdom of Toledo.

  5. Nov 19, 2021 · Alfonso X of Castile was born on November 23, 1221, in Burgos, Castile. At the age of 9, the prince’s father, King Ferdinand III, inherited the crown of Leon from his father, Alfonso IX. Since he already ruled Castile, Ferdinand combined both crowns to expand his kingdom, becoming the King of Castile and Leon.

  6. From sitcoms like Silver Spoons, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and In The House, to Dancing With The Stars and beyond, Alfonso Ribeiro has been on TV for nearly his entire life! And many of us have grown up along with him.

  7. Oct 20, 2018 · A year later, his wife gave birth to their first son, Alfonso Lincoln Ribeiro Jr, known as AJ. In 2015, their second son, Anders Reyn Ribeiro, was born. Alfonso Ribeiro became a cult hero in the 1990s for playing Will Smith's cousin Carlton in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.

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