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  1. Mar 1, 2005 · Sight unseen just means the object in question hasn't been seen, typically when buying it. It can be any object - a car, a horse, or a mobile phone - and for most things, the "site" of the object would be immaterial. For example, if I'm buying a horse, I couldn't give a rats about the paddock it's kept in . GP. L.

  2. Apr 21, 2017 · To fall in love sight unseen — it's like something from a mediaeval romance, isn't it? The Limbo Files, Volume 63, Issue 5 In the play Cyrano de Bergerac the beautiful Roxanne fell in love, sight unseen, with a hideouslooking man who, beneath her balcony, described a kiss as “A wish that longs to be confirmed, a rosy circle drawn around the verb 'to love.

  3. Dec 20, 2021 · In this metaphorical sense (not relating to sight), it dates to the 19th century, the 1830s or so. The OED has an entry on out of sight, adjective and adverb, and it traces the development through three meanings. "Beyond the range of sight". This can mean hidden or absent but as often means disappeared into the distance.

  4. May 5, 2015 · A word to describe an object that might not be visible for any reason, i.e., it's very far away or obscured. Indiscernible or imperceptible (to the naked or unaided eye) indiscernible adjective: difficult or impossible to discern or perceive; imperceptible; "an indiscernible increase in temperature." TFD indiscernible.

  5. Jul 12, 2022 · Originally U.S. to ride (go, sail, etc.) (off) into the sunset: to make a new start, begin a new phase of life, often implying (sometimes ironically) a bright future. Chiefly with reference to a stock ending of many films, esp. Westerns, in which the hero is seen riding away towards the setting sun.

  6. Mar 16, 2015 · hidden-in-plain-sight: • That at some point in time seems to be hidden, but actually is not hidden and is easy to be found. see, Your Dictionary Link In certain respects ( though not all ) the perceptual ( or, lack thereof ) phenomena OP describes dovetails with research conducted by the psychologists Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris, referred to as " inattentional blindness ."

  7. Mar 8, 2015 · I couldnt put an offer sight unseen when i know there was a slope but i couldnt tell how large the slope was or what was in the backyard. Im guessing it was about 4m from front to back. What do you think that would have cost in site works? I was told 1.5m to 2.5m was 35k+ so im guessing site works would have killed me.

  8. Sep 8, 2019 · The 1926 instance of "lookit here" prompted me to check into the possibility that Lookit" in the sense of "Look!" might have originated as a shortened form of the longer phrase "lookit here." The earliest instance of lookit here that an Elephind search finds is rendered in a quasi-African American dialect.

  9. May 21, 2015 · Sight is to visualization as sound is to audiation. Audiation is the foundation of musicianship. It takes place when we hear and comprehend music for which the sound is no longer or may never have been present. Or to put it another way: Audiation is to sound what visualization is to images.

  10. Oct 3, 2018 · 6. in the pipeline 1. in process, under way, as in The blueprints for the new machine are in the pipeline, but it will take months to get approval. {Colloquial; 1940s} Also see IN THE WORKS [which has a a very similar definition and which Ammer dates to "Second half of 1900s," meaning, I think, the 1950s or later]. 2.

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