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  1. 7 hours ago · Russia’s Gazprom will start annual pipeline gas exports to China of 10 billion cubic metres (bcm) in 2027, its boss Alexei Miller told an annual shareholders’ meeting on Friday. He also said the Power of Siberia pipeline to China, which started operations in late 2019, will reach its planned capacity of 38 bcm per year in 2025. Gazprom has ...

  2. 7 hours ago · Rosyjski gigant gazowy Gazprom chce ponownie przyciągnąć europejskich odbiorców. Oferuje im 10-procentowe zniżki na dostawy gazu - donosi "The Moscow Times". Strategia ta ma na celu odbudowę ...

  3. 7 hours ago · Admin. A notice was published on Monday (1 July) on the Government Gazette to inform the passing of several resolutions for Gazpromneft Marine Lubricants Pte Ltd on 21 June. The resolutions set out below were duly passed: Special Resolution. THAT the Company be wound up voluntarily. THAT Bakulin Dmitriy Aleksandrovich, care of 50 South Bridge ...

  4. 10 hours ago · Today, the Energy Community Secretariat published its Opinion 2/24 of 24 June 2024 on the unbundling of the Moldovan gas TSO Vestmoldtransgaz as an independent

  5. 7 hours ago · Am 25. Juli 2022 hatte der russische Konzern Gazprom bereits angekündigt, die Gasmenge vom 27. Juli an auf 20 Prozent der maximalen Kapazität zu senken. Nach dem Stopp der Gaslieferungen aus Russland kommt das Gas jetzt aus anderen Ländern. So hat Norwegen Russland im vergangenen Jahr als wichtigsten Gaslieferanten für Deutschland abgelöst ...

  6. 7 hours ago · Пресс-центр; Новости; Команда «Газпром гелий сервис» заняла призовые места в ежегодных городских соревнованиях на лодках «Дракон»

  7. 1 day ago · Gazprom Neft approves dividends for 2023; Gazprom will not pay dividends for 2023; Inarktika shareholders approved dividends worth 1.8 billion rubles; AK&M has released an industry bulletin on the electric power industry with data from April–May 2024; RUSAL will not pay dividends for 2023

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