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  1. On the French site, under Articles par Y.F. 1950 – 1957, you will find more interesting articles on life in Ireland by Yann Fouéré, under the pseudonym of Jean Roberts, written in French, as special correspondent in Ireland for the Belgian newspapers, ‘Vers l’Avenir de Namur’ and ‘Le Courier de l’Escaut’

  2. Jan 2, 2012 · 20th December 2012: The International Committee for the safeguard of the breton language has published a tribute to Yann Fouéré in the form of a booklet, in 3 languages.

  3. CHAPTER II. LE COMITÉ CONSULTATIF DE BRETAGNE. I. The declarations Jean Quenette made to the press as soon as he arrived were a breath of fresh air which I publicly supported in our paper La Bretagne. A prefet of the Empire or of any one of our republics had never before been known to publicly declare to the Bretons that he had come to Rennes ...

  4. Catrin Hughes interviews Yann Fouéré. Yann Fouéré figures prominently in the history of Breton Nationalism from the Thirties onwards. Born in 1910, he returned to Brittany after graduating at Paris in law and political science to work as a civil servant and journalist and threw himself at once into cultural activity on behalf of Breton.

  5. Mar 22, 2009 · Catrin Hughes interviews Yann Fouéré. Yann Fouéré figures prominently in the history of Breton Nationalism from the Thirties onwards. Born in 1910, he returned to Brittany after graduating at Paris in law and political science to work as a civil servant and journalist and threw himself at once into cultural activity on behalf of Breton.

  6. Yann Fouéré. Aistí agus náisiúnaí Briotánach a bhí in Yann Fouéré a rugadh in Aignan, sa Département Gers, i ndeisceart na Fraince ar 26 Iúil 1910 agus a fuair bás ar 21 Deireadh Fómhair 2011 in aois a 101 bliain. Bhunaigh sé ‘Ar Brezhoneg er Skol’ sa bhliain 1934, an chéad eagras abhcóideachta i gcomhair mhúineadh na ...

  7. Jan 2, 2012 · 20th December 2012: The International Committee for the safeguard of the breton language has published a tribute to Yann Fouéré in the form of a booklet, in 3 languages.

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