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  1. Agonizomai Definition. to enter a contest: contend in the gymnastic games. to contend with adversaries, fight. metaph. to contend, struggle, with difficulties and dangers. to endeavour with strenuous zeal, strive: to obtain something. Audio Pronunciation.

  2. We are to contend for the faith by building ourselves up in the faith ( 2 Peter 1:5–10 ), praying in the Holy Spirit ( Ephesians 6:18 ). We are also to be sensitive to the needs of the congregation as many might be struggling in their faith because of the false teacher's doctrines. We are to hate the presence of sin, calling our brothers and ...

  3. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Abide. ABIDE. a-bid': Old English word signifying progressively to "await," "remain," "lodge," "sojourn," "dwell," "continue," "endure"; represented richly in Old Testament (King James Version) by 12 Hebrew and in New Testament by as many Greek words. In the Revised Version (British and American ...

  4. Jul 11, 2022 · The Bible is a compilation of 66 books and letters written by more than 40 authors during a period of approximately 1,500 years. The original text of the Bible was communicated in just three languages: Hebrew, koine or common Greek, and Aramaic. The Old Testament was written for the most part in Hebrew, with a small percentage in Aramaic.

  5. Judgment [N] The Hebrew term mispat [ f'P.vim] is an important Old Testament concept and one closely linked with God. It may denote the process whereby a verdict is reached or the verdict itself; it is bound up with the notions of justice (modern translations often have"justice" for mispat) and righteousness and it is of fundamental importance ...

  6. Define agonize. agonize synonyms, agonize pronunciation, agonize translation, English dictionary definition of agonize. v. ag·o·nized , ag·o·niz·ing , ag·o·niz·es v. intr. 1.

  7. Sep 2, 2021 · Forgiveness Definition. Forgiveness, according to the Bible, is correctly understood as God's promise not to count our sins against us. Biblical forgiveness requires repentance on our part (turning away from our old life of sin) and faith in Jesus Christ. One condition for receiving forgiveness from God is our willingness to forgive other people.

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