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  1. Mary Dyer, a “Comely, Grave woman, and of a good Personage,” was hanged in Boston in 1660, a deliberate martyr to her Quaker belief in freedom of religion. Her execution created sufficient uproar that King Charles II of England ordered the Massachusetts Bay Colony to cease its persecution of Quakers.

  2. Nov 10, 2021 · The Quaker movement had its origins in the deepest radicalism of Interregnum England. Characterized by the most extreme of religious and political thought, combined with outlandish and belligerent behavior, they were soon the most feared group in the English speaking world. This fear led to persecution which was even intense by the standards of the Read more about ECW 28: Mary Dyer and the ...

  3. Dec 2, 2020 · Mary Dyer was an early Puritan settler of Boston. Born in England, Mary moved to Boston in 1635 and was soon drawn to the Quaker religion, in part because of the opportunities it afforded women to learn and lead. New laws forbade her from professing her faith publicly. Not one to back down, Mary was … Continue reading Mary Dyer, the Quaker Martyr (episode 108)

  4. Aug 20, 2021 · Mary Dyer died on the gallows on June 1, 1660, affirming her stand against the government that persecuted her Quaker faith. “Nay, man,” she said at the last, “I am not now to repent.” Dyer had other alternatives. For one, she was married to a respected colonial official, William Dyer, who more than once had rescued her

  5. Mary Dyer, Dyer, Mary Dyer, Mary Unknown England Boston, Massachusetts Quaker martyr "In obedience to the will of the Lord God I came, and in His will I abide f… John Winthrop (scientist), John Winthrop John Winthrop (1588-1649) was an American colonial political leader and historian. He was a very effective governor of the Massachusett…

  6. Mary Dyer was in the seventh month of her pregnancy when she began, on October 17, 1637, to have contractions. Mary’s close friend, Anne Hutchinson, was an experienced midwife. Hutchinson hurried to the Dyer home to assist with the delivery, accompanied by Goody Hawkins.

  7. The Boston martyrs is the name given in Quaker tradition to the three English members of the Society of Friends, Marmaduke Stephenson, William Robinson and Mary Dyer, and to the Barbadian Friend William Leddra, who were condemned to death and executed by public hanging for their religious beliefs under the legislature of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1659, 1660 and 1661.

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