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  1. A portrait of Henri Nestlé (1867) Henri Nestlé started as a pharmacist’s apprentice. In the late 1860s, troubled by the high infant death rate, he used his scientific knowledge to create an infant formula. By the time he was 60, the Nestlé company was an international success. And his milk-based baby food, Farine Lactée, was being sold ...

  2. About us. HENRi@Nestlé | Open Innovation Startup. Nestlé is a leading nutrition, health and wellness company with 328,000 employees worldwide, more than 2,000 brands in 189 countries, and sales of CHF 88.8 billion in 2015. That means we can make a unique impact in the world and create lasting value for the companies and communities we work ...

  3. Henri Nestlé (nume la naștere Heinrich Nestle; n. 10 august 1814 , Frankfurt am Main , Grand Duchy of Frankfurt ⁠( d ) – d. 7 iulie 1890 , Glion , Montreux , cantonul Vaud , Elveția ) a fost un cofetar germano-elvețian și fondatorul companiei Nestlé , cea mai mare companie de produse alimentare și băuturi din lume.

  4. Henri Nestlé turns 200 August 92014 - Nestlé is celebrating the 200-year anniversary of the birth of HenriNestlé, the man who founded an infant cereal business that, after its merger in1905 with the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co, would grow into the world’sbiggest food and beverage company. Born two centuries ago inGermany, Henri Nestlé’s sense of scientific innovation, combined with ...

  5. Henri Nestlé a lucrat inițial ca asistent farmacist în Vevey între 1839 și 1843. Pregãtirea sa în chimie și experienţa sa științifică i-au modelat atitudinea și abordarea economicã viitoare. Întreprinzător și inovator constant, el a experimentat în producţia de diferite produse, de la limonadã la ciment, înainte de a inventa formula Farine Lactée, cu care a devenit celebru.

  6. Henri Nestlé is the 56th most popular businessperson (down from 52nd in 2019), the 476th most popular biography from Germany (down from 468th in 2019) and the 8th most popular German Businessperson. The company was founded by Henri Nestlé in 1867. They are most famous for their chocolate products, such as Kit Kat and Smarties.

  7. Aug 8, 2014 · The first man was Henri Nestlé, a German by birth, who would be 200 years old this Sunday. Henri was living in Vevey (Switzerland) and running the local chemist shop. As a chemist he dabbled in all kinds of products, he made Portland cement, generated natural gas to power the town’s streetlights, and made mustard.

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